Faculté de sciences économiques et sociales - University of Lille

Centre Lillois d’Etudes et de Recherches Sociologiques et Economiques

Guide Fields

The University of Lille has been officially created on January 1st, 2018, as a result of the com-mon desire of the three universities of Lille to build a leading European university, recognized worldwide for its research, the excellence of its education and its innovative lifelong training.

The Lille University is a multidisciplinary university, covering 4 training areas: Sciences and Technologies; Life Sciences and Health; Arts, Literature, Languages, Human and Social Sciences; Law, Economics and Management. Research plays an essential role at ULille, which enjoys strong ties with leading bodies such as CNRS, INSERM, INRIA, Pasteur Lille and Lille University Hospital.

The University Lille policies aim to reinforce the inter-disciplinary research, in line with major social issues, knowledge transfer and public-private partnership.

Key figures:

  • 67000 students; more than 520 degree diploma in Science, Technology, Engineering, Law, Health, Economics, Management, Languages, Human and Social Sciences, including 24 degrees fully taught in English;
  • more than 40 research units; 3300 lecturers and researchers; 350 tenured and post-doctoral researchers; 11 ERC grantees; 2000 Doctoral Researchers, 6 Doctoral Schools; over 3000 scientific publications each year.

The University of Lille has been involved in more than 100 European research projects.
A rich network of collaborations with leading establishments and teams around the world (more than 25 Associated or Joint Laboratories) reflects ULille potential in collaborative research and training projects.

The Centre Lillois d’Etudes et de Recherches Sociologiques et Economiques (CLERSE)
Founded in 1982, CLERSE is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8019) between the University of Lille and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). It is compounded of more than one hundred researchers, mainly economists and sociologists.

Other expertise

The researchers involved in the project participate in various institutions interested by the dy-namics of public and private services:

  • French Committee for Service Accounts, French Council for Statistical information, piloting committees dedicated to services measurement problems within INSEE,
  • OECD, and within different Ministries, etc. They are members of several international scientific networks on services and on innovation. One of the researchers is expert within ANR, the French National Research Agency.

The European Review of Service Economics and Management (ERSEM)
The European Review of Service Economics and Management (ERSEM) is an international multidisciplinary Journal that publishes in English or in French papers on services sector, ser-vice organizations and service functions.
It is edited by Lille team together with other RESER partners.

Faïz Gallouj, University of Lille, France

Associate Editors:

Faridah Djellal, University of Lille, France
Camal Gallouj, Paris 13-Nord University, France
Muriel Jougleux, Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University, France
Luis Rubalcaba, University of Alcala, Spain
Marja Toivonen, Helsinki University, Finland
Paul Windrum, University of Nottingham, UK


Research fields

Within CLERSE the « Services and Innovation » group led by Faridah Djellal and Faïz Gallouj comprises approximately twenty researchers whose main research themes are the following ones:

  • Services in the history of economic thought Productivity and performance measurement and strategies in services R&D,
  • innovation, public-private innovation networks,
  • entrepreneurship and learning in services and through services Services,
  • regional development and international trade
  • Employment systems and human resources management in the service sector
  • Services and sustainable development Service innovation and social innovation
  • Value-cocreation in public services Complex system dynamics

These project were carried out for the following institutions:

  • Ministries of Research and Technology, of Education, of Employment and Solidarity, of SMEs, Department of Commerce, Direction of Tourism,
  • Commissariat Général du Plan, Regional Council, Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
  • OECD, European Commission (several projects including the SI4S project, TSER programme; DG Entreprise, Innovation and SMEs program; Dynamo project, 6th FP, ServPPIN project 7th FP, CO-VAL H2020), etc.


Publications and references

  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2024) «Functional Economy: Economic Models, Challenges and Innovation Dynamics» Functional Economy is a concept that is often associated with ecological transition and sustainable development. It prioritizes the use of a service or good rather than its sale, and tends to encourage cooperation. This model supports the transition to a more ecological and equitable economic and social environment. This book presents the different approaches to the Functional Economy and the ways in which the various players (companies, public institutions and citizens) are adopting and adapting them through innovation. Depending on their degree of sustainability and their scope, these innovations can have major economic, social and environmental impacts. Particularly at the local territorial level, those involved in innovation need to be supported as closely as possible if they are to overcome the hurdles they face and reap the rewards of the transformations brought about by this socio economic model, which is built around functionality. Contents 1. The Emergence of the Functional Economy: Context and Approaches. 2. Economic Model and Innovation Dynamics. 3. Functional Economy Challenges and Difficulties.. ISTE/Wiley. Nb pages: 254. ISBN: 9781848218772.
  • Smith P. M. () «The use of European statistics on services for research» . Download pdf: the use of european statistics on services for research.
  • Fuglsang L., Merlin-Brogniart C., Peralta A., Rubalcaba L., Ronning, R., Magnussen, S., Révész, É. (2023) «Social innovation and public service: a literature review of multi-actor collaborative approaches in five European countries.» Technological Forecasting & Social Change..
  • Militão L. O., Baretta, Hoffmann, Farias () «"Coproduction, public sector innovation and governance: a systematic literature review", (2024),» this paper was presented at Reser 2022 conference. International Journal of Innovation Science.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. () «Economie de la fonctionnalité, Modèles économiques, enjeux et dynamique d’innovation» L’économie de (la) fonctionnalité est un concept souvent associé à la transition écologique et au développement durable. Il privilégie l’usage plutôt que la vente d’un service ou d’un bien, et tend à favoriser la coopération. Ce modèle facilite la transition vers un environnement économique et social plus écologique et équitable. Cet ouvrage présente les différentes approches de l’économie de (la) fonctionnalité et la manière dont les divers acteurs (entreprises, institutions publiques, citoyens) se les approprient par l’innovation. Ces dernières, en fonction de leur degré de soutenabilité et de leur ampleur, peuvent avoir d’importants impacts économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Ainsi, les acteurs de l’innovation doivent être accompagnés au plus près, notamment au niveau territorial, pour surmonter les difficultés rencontrées et bénéficier des transformations portées par le modèle socio-économique que sous-tend la fonctionnalité. . ISTE editions. Nb pages: 198. ISBN: 9781836120056. Download pdf: table matieres economie de la fonctionnalite tdm.
  • Smith P. M. () «The development of the European statistical system for services. A user’s perspective» classic Garnier. Nb pages: 35.
  • Smith P. M. () «“ Recent developments in European integration for services”, (2022)» European Review of Service Economics and Management.
  • Smith P. M. () «“The development of the European statistical system for services: A user’s perspective”, (2023)» European Review of Service Economics and Management.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., Laurent Adatto , Dimitri Uzunidis (Editeurs) () «« L’économie circulaire : les services « verdissent » l’industrie », p. 145-147 in "Catastrophes majeures au XXIe siècle : Santé, Environnement, Alimentation, Guerre. Chroniques d’alerte" Laurent Adatto (Editeur), Dimitri Uzunidis (Editeur), 328p.» . Nb pages: 3. ISBN: ISBN : 9782304054194 eISBN : 9782304054200 .
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. () «« L’innovation dans l’approche de l’économie de la fonctionnalité et de la coopération » p. 74-77, in Économie de la Fonctionnalité et de la Coopération : vers une communauté de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales,» ademe. Nb pages: 125.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. () «Les services comme levier « écologique » de l’industrie : proposition d’un cadre d’analyse» Marché et Organisations - Revue d'analyse stratégique n°40. Nb pages: 19.
  • Fuglsang L., Merlin-Brogniart C., Rubalcaba L., Scupola A., MAGNUSSEN S., PERALTA A., RÉVÉSZ E., RØNNING R.,PERALTA A., . (2022), () «Social innovation and public service: a literature review of multi-actor collaborative approaches in five European countries» 182..
  • Militão L. O., Josivania Silva Farias 2022 () «....about multiple actors in the co-production of public services» . Nb pages: 7.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. () «Systèmes produit service et économies de fonctionnalité: Dynamique d’innovation et échelles territoriales,» Technologie et innovation.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., LAPERCHE B ,2020 () «Les systèmes produit-service (SPS) : leviers de la transition des économies industrielles,2020» Technologie et innovation.
  • Gallouj C., Paché G., Stephen L. Vargo (introduction) (2020) «Management des services, convergences, contrastes et controverses» Alors que l'activité manufacturière a été, de longue date, au cœur des analyses consacrées à la création de valeur, le management des services ouvre désormais des espaces de réflexion d'une grande richesse. En se plaçant à de multiples niveaux d'analyse, qu'il s'agisse d'étudier les services aux consommateurs ou les services aux entreprises, il témoigne de profondes mutations au sein de ce que l'on appelle désormais le processus de servuction. le rôle du personnel en contact, mais aussi les modes de participation du client à la production du service, sont l'objet de toutes les attentions dans une économie mondialisée et de plus en plus digitalisée.. Presses universitaires de Provence. Nb pages: 353. ISBN: 979-10-320-0268-1.
  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Understandings of Social Innovation within the Danish Public Sector: A Literature Review,» Administrative Sciences.
  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Social Entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation.» Public Management Review.
  • Gallouj F., Hyytinen K. m., Toivonen-Noro M., Sampsa Ruutur , Mika Nieminen (2015) «Evaluation of services linked to the sustainability: a dynamic and multi-criteria approach» Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to study the challenge of the evaluation in the context of the services in the sector of environment and energy. Because of the specific nature of service innovation the traditional evaluation methods and measures are not able to capture neither the diversity of the innovations nor the multifaceted dimensions of performance. This paper aims to contribute to the need for a more diverse evaluation approach. We study the use of multi-criteria and system dynamic perspectives in the evaluation of services, and we develop a new type of methodology to evaluate their dynamics and multifaceted performance.. .
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018) «A Research Agenda for Service Innovation» Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. () «Towards a servitization of innovation networks: a mapping» Public Management Review.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2020) «Mapping social innovation networks: Knowledge intensive social services as systems builders» Technological forecasting and social change.
  • Sundbo, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Gallouj, F. (2022), Servitization in the creative and cultural industries, InternationalJournal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 65-85

View references in 2018

View references in 2022
  • Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Toivonen M., Windrum P. (2018), Understanding social innovation in services industries, Industry and Innovation, 25 (6), p. 551-569.
  • Desmarchelier B., Regis P., Nimesh S. (2018), Product Space and the Development of Nations: a Model of Products Diversification, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 145, pp. 34-51
  • Djellal F. Gallouj F. (2018), Les réseaux d’innovation public-privé dans les services (RIPPS) : une nouvelle expression des réseaux d’innovation dans une économie des services et du développement durable, Revue d’économie industrielle, n°161, 1er trimestre, p. 69-120.
  • Gallouj F. Djellal F. (2018) (eds), A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018), Fifteen advances in service Innovation Studies, in Scupola A., Fuglsang L. (eds), Integrated Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research-Emerging and Established Trends, Edward Elgar Publisher.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018), Fifteen challenges for service innovation studies, in Djellal F., Gallouj F. (eds), A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018), Services, service innovation and the ecological challenge, in in GALLOUJ F. DJELLAL F. (eds), A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishers.
View references in 2017
  • Kasmi, F., Laperche, B., Merlin-Brogniart, C., & Burmeister, A., (2017) Écologie industrielle, milieu innovateur et gouvernance territoriale : Le cas de Dunkerque (Nord- France), Canadian Journal of Regional Science/ Revue Canadienne de Sciences Régionales, numéro spécial : Nouvelles controverses du développement territorial : quelle gouvernance et quelles innovations ? Vol 40 (2), special issue 2017, 103-113. Full text, french, PDF
  • Merlin-Brogniart, C. (2017), « Entrepreneur et Intrapreneur » in Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur sous la direction d’André Tiran et Dimitri Uzunidis No 11, 374 p. ed ; Classiques Garnier, 218-221
  • Merlin-Brogniart, C. (2017), « Entrepreneur et Services » in Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur sous la direction d’André Tiran et Dimitri Uzunidis No 11, 374 p. ed ; Classiques Garnier, 324-327
  • Merlin-Brogniart, C. (2017), Nature et dynamique de l’innovation des nouveaux modèles de croissance : le cas de l’écologie industrielle et de l’économie de la fonctionnalité, Innovations, Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation, Innovations, n° 54, 2017/3, Changement climatique Potentiel d’innovations, pp. 65-95.
View reverences in 2016
  • Laperche, B., Merlin-Brogniart, C. (2016), Ecologie industrielle et développement territorial durable : le rôle des services, Marché et Organisations, 25(1), 2016, pp.87-118.
  • Maillefert M. Merlin-Brogniart, C. (2016) « Les modes de perception de la biodiversité par les acteurs et la régulation des usages de l’environnement. Une lecture par les représentations », Numéro spécial: “Analyse institutionnelle des paiements pour services environnementaux”, Revue Développement durable et Territoire. Vol. 7, n°1 | Avril 2016, pp.1-18. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/developpementdurable.11228 (CNRS 4)
  • Djellal F. Gallouj F. (2016), Service innovation for sustainability, in Toivonen M. (ed) “Service innovation: novel ways of creating value in actor systems”, Springer.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F. Gallouj F. (2016), KIBS and the Dynamics of Industrial clusters: a complex adaptative systems approach, in J. Ferreira, C. Fernandes, M. Raposo and M. Dejardin (eds), Knowledge Intensive Business Services and RegionalCompetitiveness, Routledge.
  • Gallouj F., Djellal F. (2016), Open innovation: the different pathways towards openness, in Richardson D. (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, John Wiley and sons.
  • Windrum P., Schartinger D., Rubalcaba L., Gallouj F., Toivonen M. (2016), The Co-Creation of Multi-Agent Social Innovations: A Bridge Between Service and Social Innovation Research, European Journal of Innovation Management.
  • Morrar R., Gallouj F. (2016), The growth of the service sector in Palestine: the productivity challenge, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2016/1, n°19, p. 179-204.
View reverences in 2015
  • Gallouj F., Djellal F. (2015), Services and Innovation, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Gallouj F., Djellal F. (2015), Introduction, in Gallouj F., Djellal F. (eds), Services and Innovation, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, Edward Elgar Publishers, p. 5-20.
  • Merlin-Brogniant C., Moursli-Provost A-C., (2015), Trajectories Of Innovation In The Health Care Sector: The Case Of Belgian Nursing Homes, Journal of Inspiration Economy, Volume 2 Issue 1 (March 2015), pp.43-67.
  • Cruz S., Paulino S., Gallouj F.. (2015), Innovation in Brazilian landfills: A ServPPIN perspective, Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment, 3, p. 79-100.
  • Hyytinen K., Ruutu S., Nieminen M., Gallouj F., Toivonen M. (2015), A system dynamic and multi-criteria evaluation of innovations in environmental services, Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment, 3, p. 29-52.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2015), Services and crisis: stop shooting the ambulance! Journal of Innovation Management, 3(1), p. 5-8.
  • Cruz S., Paulino S., Gallouj F. (2015), Public Service Innovation: Solid Waste Sector from the Perspective of Clean Development Mechanism Landfill Projects, Journal of Inspiration Economy, Issue 2(2), September, p. 93-112.
  • Gallouj F., Toivonen M. (2015), Introduction, Journal of Inspiration Economy, Vol. 2, n°2, p.7-9.
  • Fourcroy C., Gallouj F., Decellas F. (2015), “La matérialité invisible des services et ses implications énergétiques : une estimation de l’énergie grise par la méthode input-output”, Revue d’économie industrielle, n°149, 1er trimestre, p. 43-73.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2015), Green and sustainable innovation in a service economy, in Bryson J.R. and Daniels P. (eds), The Handbook of Service Business: Management, Marketing, Innovation and Internationalization, Edward Elgar Publishers, p. 83-104.
  • Gallouj F., Weber M., Stare M., Rubalcaba L. (2015), The future of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis, Technological Forecasting and social Change, 94 (May), p. 80-96.
  • Gallouj F., Merlin-Brogniart C., Moursli-Provost A.-C. (2015), Les partenariats public-privé et leur place dans l’innovation hospitalière : quels enseignements pour le management hospitalier ? Innovations – Revue d’économie et de Management de l’Innovation2015/1, n° 46, p. 161-195.
View reverences in 2014
  • Gallouj F., Stankiewicz F. (2014) (ed), Le DRH innovateur : Management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d’innovation, PIE Peter Lang.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2014), L’innovation comme valeur : quelle GRH pour développer les « compétences dynamiques » ? in Gallouj F., Stankiewicz F. (eds), Le DRH innovateur : management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d’innovation, PIE Peter Lang, p. 100-131.
  • Gallouj F., Stankiewicz F. (2014), “Présentation de l’ouvrage”, in Gallouj F., Stankiewicz F. (eds), Le DRH innovateur : management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d’innovation, PIE Peter Lang, p. 11-20.
  • Gallouj F. (2014), Inspiration Economy: a New Journal, Journal of Inspiration Economy, 1(1), September, p. 7-13.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2014), « Improving understanding of the innovation process in innovation-oriented public-private partnerships », Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 2014/3 – n° 15, Science and Innovation, pp.117-144.
View reverences in 2013
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2013) « corporate entrepreneurship », in Carayannis, E. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, New York, Springer, 2800p, pp253-259.
  • Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds) (2013), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar Publisher.
  • Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (2013), “Public-private innovation networks in services (servPPINS)”, in Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services, Edward Elgar publishers, p. 1-18.
  • Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (2013), “Conclusions and agenda for future research”, in Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar publishers, p. 462-485.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), “How public-private innovation networks in services (ServPPINs) differ to other innovation networks: What lessons for theory?” in Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar publishers, p. 21-58.
  • Gallouj F., Merlin-Brogniart C., Moursli-Provost A.-C. (2013), “Public-Private Partnership in hospital innovation: implication for hospital management”, in Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar publishers, p. 265-302.
  • Labarthe P., Gallouj F., Djellal F. (2013), “Effects of institutions on the integration of end-users’s knowledge in ServPPINs: lessons from two case studies in agro-environmental knowledge intensive services”, in Gallouj F., Rubalcaba L., Windrum P. (eds), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, Edward Elgar publishers, p. 303-325.
  • Djellal F. Gallouj F., Miles I. (2013), Two decades of research on innovation in services: Which place for public services? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 27, December, 98-117.
  • Gallouj F., Zanfei A. (2013), Innovation in public services: Filling a gap in the literature, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 27, December, 89-97.
  • Labarthe P., Gallouj F., Laurent C., (2013), Privatisation du conseil et évolution de la qualité des preuves produites pour les agriculteurs, Economie rurale, 337, septembre-octobre, p.7-24.
  • Desmarchelier B., Gallouj F. (2013), Endogenous growth and environmental policy: are the processes of growth and tertiarisation in developed economies reversible? An evolutionary perspective, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(4), p. 831-860.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), The productivity challenge in services: measurement and strategic perspective, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 33, n°3-4, February, p. 1-18.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), La tertiarisation favorise-t-elle la production de déchets municipaux ? la discussion d’un paradoxe à partir d’un modèle multi-agents, Revue d’économie politique, 123(1), janvier-février, p. 83-126
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), Environmental policies and eco-innovations by service firms: an agent-based model, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80 (7), p. 1395-1408.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), Knowledge intensive business services and long term growth, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 25, p. 188-205.
  • Stare M., Gallouj F. (2013), Seizing the opportunities of service innovation, in High Level Economic Expert Group ‘Innovation for Growth-i4g’ (ed) “Inclusive Innovation” and “Service Innovation”, p. 61-75, European Commission, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Gallouj F. (2013), Services: innovation, performance and public policy, in High Level Economic Expert Group ‘Innovation for Growth-i4g’ (ed) “Inclusive Innovation” and “Service Innovation”, p. 77-115, European Commission, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), “Les réseaux d’innovation public-privés dans les services : au-delà de la conception industrialiste et technologiste des réseaux”, in Boutillier S., Djellal F., Uzunidis D. (eds), « L’innovation : analyser, anticiper, agir », Peter Lang, p. 419-438.
  • Gallouj C., Gallouj F. (2013), “Services and regional development policies: the French case?” In Cuadrado Roura J. R. (ed.), Regions and the Service Industries activities, Springer, p. 425-447.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2013), “The new forms of entrepreneurship in a sustainable knowledge-based service economy”, in Carayannis E. G. (ed), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Springer, p. 1376-1381.
View reverences in 2012
  • Boutiller S., Djellal F., Gallouj F., Laperche B., Uzunudis D. (eds) (2012), L’innovation verte, Peter Lang
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2012), L’innovation dans les services: une innovation (plus) verte ? in Boutiller S., Djellal F., Gallouj F., Laperche B., Uzunidis D. (eds), L’innovation verte, Peter Lang, p. 69-95.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2012), La productivité à l’épreuve des services, Peter Lang
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2012), L’innovation dans les services publics, revue française d’économie, XXVII (2), octobre, p. 97-137.
  • Fourcroy C., Gallouj F., Decellas F. (2012), Energy consumption in service industries: challenging the myth of non-materiality, Ecological Economics, Vol. 81, September, p. 155-164.
  • Morrar R., Gallouj F., Hammadou H. (2012), Public-private innovation networks and innovation activities in French service firms, Journal of Innovation Economics, n°10, November, p. 191-217.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2012), Innovation sociale et innovation de service : première ébauche d’un dialogue nécessaire, Innovations – Cahiers d’économie de l’innovation, n°38, 2012/2, p. 37-66.
  • Gallouj C., Gallouj F. et Vigliano M.-H. (2012), Au-delà de la productivité : les multiples mondes de la performance dans le commerce, Marché et Organisations, n°15, p.67-90.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2012), Social innovation and service innovation, in Franz H.-W., Hochgerner J., Howaldt J. (eds) 2012, Challenge Social Innovation Potentials for Business, Social Entrepreneurship, Welfare and Civil Society, Berlin: Springer, p. 119-137.
  • Gallouj C., Gallouj F., Abidi Barthe A. (2012), “Manager l’innovation par le service: un levier pour sortir de la crise”, in Meyronin B. et Munos A. (eds) (2012), Manager l’innovation par le service: un levier pour sortir de la crise, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, p. 197-222.
  • Boutiller S., Djellal F., Gallouj F., Laperche B., Uzunidis D. (2012), Présentation générale : Les domaines du possible de l’innovation verte in Boutiller S., Djellal F., Gallouj F., Laperche B., Uzunidis D. (eds), L’innovation verte, Peter Lang, p. 11-27.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2012), « L’évaluation de la performance des services Vers une approche adaptée à la nature des services et de leur durabilité », L’innovation verte. De la théorie aux bonnes pratiques, ed. S. Boutillier, F. Djellal, F. Gallouj, B. Laperche, D. Uzunidis, P.I.E. Peter Lang, p.97-123
  • Jakubowski S., Merlin-Brogniart C. (2012), « Des services publics marchands et non marchands « soutenables » ? », in Richez-Battesti Nadine, Petrella Francesca, Gianfaldoni Patrick (dir.), Travail, organisations et politiques publiques : quelle « soutenabilité » à l’heure de la mondialisation ?, Cahiers du CIRTES, Hors-série #2, Presses universitaires de Louvain, pp. 287 à 302.
View reverences in 2011
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2011), « Intrapreneuriat et services publics marchands en réseau : Le cas de La Poste », in “PME, dynamiques entrepreneuriales et innovation”, ed. Abdelillah Hamdouch, Sophie Reboud et Corinne Tanguy, Peter Lang, coll. Business and Entrepreneurship, Bruxelles, (à paraitre, décembre).
  • Merlin-Brogniart C. (2011), « An evolutionist and conventionalist approach to sustainable development : the case of for-profit public network services », Journal of Innovation Economics 2011/2 – n° 8, pp.119-140
  • Depret M.-H., Merlin-Brogniart C., (2011), « La responsabilité globale des entreprises du service public marchand : Vers un élargissement de la notion de responsabilité sociale et environnementale » La rse : une nouvelle régulation du capitalisme, Publication presses du septentrion, coll “capitalismes éthique institutions” sous la dir de Postel, Chavy, Cazal, Sobel, mars.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., (2011) « Mondialisation et rationalisation des services publics : le cas des services postaux français » Chapitre. 9, in L’entreprise dans la mondialisation. Contexte et dynamiques d’investissement et d’innovation, Coordonné par Dimitri Uzunidis, Blandine Laperche, Sophie Boutillier, ed Le Manuscrit.
  • Gallouj F., Toivonen M. (2011), Elaborating the characteristics-based approach to service innovation: making the service process visible, Journal of Innovation Economics, 2011/2, n°8, p. 33-58.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2011), Innovation dans les services, performance et politique publique, Economie Appliquée, Tome LXIV, n°2, juin, p. 53-89.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2011) Economic growth by waste generation: the dynamics of a vicious circle,Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 652, p. 129-138.
  • den Hertog P., Gallouj F., Segers J. (2011), Measuring innovation in a ‘low tech’ service industry: the case of the Dutch hospitality industry, The Service Industries Journal, Volume 31, Issue 9, p. 1429 – 1449.
View reverences in 2010
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2010), Invisible innovation and hidden performance in services: a challenge for public policy, Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy, 45 (5), p. 278-283.
  • Djellal F. Gallouj F. (2010), Services, innovation and performance: general presentation, Journal of Innovation Economics, n°5, 2010/1, p. 5-15.
  • Djellal F. Gallouj F. (2010), Beyond Productivity Strategies in Services, Journal of Innovation Economics, n°5, 2010/1, p. 89-104.
  • Gallouj F. (2010), Les services intensifs en connaissances : processeurs de connaissances et producteurs d’innovation, Economies et Sociétés, série EGS, n°11, 2/2010, p. 105-137.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2010), “Innovation in services and sustainable development”, in P.P. Maglio, C.A. Kieliszewski, et J.C. Spohrer(ed), The Handbook of Service Science, Springer, 533-557.
  • Gallouj F., Savona M. (2010), “Towards a theory of innovation in services : a state of the art”, Chapter 1 inGallouj F., Djellal F. (eds) (2010), The Handbook of Innovation and Services : a multidisciplinary perspective, Edward Elgar Publishers, p. 27-48.
  • Gallouj F., Djellal F. (2010), “Filling the innovation gap in the service economy, introductive chapter in Gallouj F., Djellal F., (eds) (2010), The Handbook of Innovation and Services: a multidisciplinary perspective, Edward Elgar Publishers, p. 1-23.
  • Gallouj, F., Djellal, F. Gallouj, C. (eds.) (2010) Handbook of Innovation and Services, Chapter 1, pp. 27-48 Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elga.
  • Faïz Gallouj and Maria Savona, ‘Towards a Theory of Innovation in Services. A State of the Art’ in: Gallouj, F., Djellal, F. Gallouj, C. (eds.) (2010) Handbook of Innovation and Services, Chapter 1, pp. 27-48 Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar
  • Merlin-Brogniart C, (2010), «The integration of sustainable development in for-profit public service networks in France. The case of the postal and energy field (GDF, EDF)»,Journal of innovation Economics n°5 intitulé Innovation and Performances in the service sector.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., Moursli-Provost A-C., (2010), Les dynamiques de l’innovation au sein des maisons de repos: le cas d’un établissement associatif, Économies et Sociétés (série EGS), 44(2):197-230.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., Moursli-Provost A-C., (2010). Les trajectoires d’innovation dans le secteur des maisons de repos. In Transformations et innovations économiques et sociales en Europe : quelles sorties de crise ? Regards interdisciplinaires, Ed. by Degrave, F., Desmette, D., Mangez, É., Nyssens, M., Reman, P., XXXes journées de l’Association d’Économie Sociale, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Vol. 2:149-168.
View reverences in 2009
  • Depret M.-H., Le Masne P., Merlin-Brogniart C., (2009) « De la responsabilité sociale des acteurs »,Marché et Organisations,n°8, numéro intitulé Développement durable : La responsabilité sociale des acteurs.
  • Depret M.-H., Le Masne P., Merlin-Brogniart C., (2009), Présentation générale « La responsabilité sociale des acteurs, un concept multiforme », Marché et Organisations n°8, numéro intitulé Développement durable : La responsabilité sociale des acteurs.
View reverences in 2008
  • C.Gallouj, 2008, L’économie des services à la personne, Wolters Kluwer
  • André Lorentz and Maria Savona ‘Evolutionary Micro-dynamics and Changes in the Economic Structure’ Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2008) LEM (Laboratory of Economic and Management, School of Advanced Studies S. Anna, Pisa) Working Paper Series, 2006/28 (October 2006) Full paper (PDF)
View reverences in 2007
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., (2007) « Compétitivité, Innovation et Services publics marchands » Revue Innovations ; Cahiers d’Economie de l’Innovation (ICEI) n°25, éd de Boeck, Bruxelles, février.
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., (2007), « Les services publics en réseau face aux défis de la globalisation : les innovations de compromis » in “Mondialisation des services, innovation et dynamiques territoriales », ouvrage collectif, édité sous la direction de M.- C. Monnoyer et P. Ternaux, collection ” La Librairie des Humanités” éd. L’Harmattan.
View reverences in 2006
  • Merlin C., (2006), Les services publics en mutation, La Poste innove, collection L’esprit économique, éd L’Harmattan.
  • Simona Iammarino, Francesca Sanna Randaccio and Maria Savona, ‘Obstacles to innovation and multinational firms in the Italian regions. Firm-level evidence from the Third Community Innovation Survey’ in: Ana Teresa Tavares and Aurora Teixeira (eds.) (2006) Multinationals, Clusters and Innovation: Does Public Policy Matters? Palgrave, MacMillan , pp. 63-83;
  • Giulio Cainelli, Rinaldo Evangelista e Maria Savona, (2016) “Innovation and economic performance in services. A firm level analysis”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2006, 30, pp. 435-458
View reverences in 2005
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2005), Mapping Innovation Dynamics in Hospitals, Research Policy
View reverences in 2004
  • Burmesister A., Djellal F. (2004), L’impact des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur l’organisation spatiale des activités de services, Cahiers de l’économie de l’innovation, n°19, janvier.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. and C. (2004), L’hôpital innovateur : de l’innovation médicale à l’innovation de service, Editions Masson.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. et C. (2004), De l’hôpital fonction de production à l’hôpital service complexe et nœud de réseau : les différentes facettes de l’innovation hospitalière, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, n°1.
  • Aldo Geuna, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt and Maria Savona , ‘Collaboration between a research university and firms and other institutions’ in: Cesaroni, F., A. Gambardella and W. Garcia Fontes (eds.) (2004) R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry Boston, Dordrecht, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 145-173.
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : Incitations et politiques de développement régional des services, dans : Services et développement régional, De Boeck, (with Moyard L., Merenne Schoumaker B.)
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : Innovation et trajectoires d’innovation dans le grand commerce : une approche lancastérienne, Innovations, Cahiers d’Economie de l’Innovation, n° 19, p. 75-99.
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : L’offre commerciale face à l’usage des temps des ménages, quelles adaptations réciproques, in Bondue J. P. (ed.), Temps des courses, courses des temps.
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : Services et développement régional, De Boeck, (with Moyard L., Merenne Schoumaker B.)
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : Innovation et trajectoires d’innovation dans le grand commerce : une approche lancastérienne, Innovations, Cahiers d’Economie de l’Innovation, n° 19, p. 75-99.
  • Gallouj C. 2004 : L’offre commerciale face à l’usage des temps des ménages, quelles adaptations réciproques, in Bondue J. P. (ed.), Temps des courses, courses des temps.
View reverences in 2003
  • Djellal F., Francoz D., Gallouj F. and C., Jacquin Y. (2003), Revising the definition of research and development in the light of the specificities of services, Science and Public Policy, vol 30, n°6, décembre
View reverences in 2002
  • Djellal F., (2002), Innovation Trajectories in the Cleaning Industry, New technology work and employment, Vol 17, n°2, summer.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (eds) (2002), Technologies et innovations dans la nouvelle économie des services, L’Harmattan, Collection “ Entreprise et Innovation ”.
  • Djellal F., (2002), Les incidences des technologies et des NTIC sur l’emploi et la qualification dans le secteur du nettoyage, Formation-Emploi, n°55.
  • Djellal F., Gadrey J., (2002), Analyse statistique de l’emploi du secteur HCR et de ses déterminants in Gadrey J. (ed.), Hôtellerie-restauration : héberger et restaurer l’emploi, La Documentation Française.
  • Gadrey J., Gallouj F. (eds) (2002), Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services, Edward Elgar.
  • Gallouj F. (2002), Innovation in services and the attendant old and new myths, Journal of socio-economics, Vol. 31, p. 137-154.
  • Gallouj F. (2002), Interactional innovation : a neoschumpeterian model, in Sundbo J. et Fuglsang L. (eds), Innovation as strategic reflexivity, Routledge, p. 29-56.
View reverences in 2001
  • Gallouj C. 2001 : Das Aubry gesetz und die folgen : arbeitszeitverkürzung in Frankreich, dans Becker U. (ed), weniger arbeit- arbeit fûr alle ? Hans Böckler stiftung,, Editions Sigma.
  • Gallouj C. 2001 : France : Knowledge Intensive Services and Territorial Innovative Dynamics, in Wood P. (ed), Consultancy and Innovation, Routledge (with Moulaert F.)
  • Gallouj C. 2001 : Hôtellerie-restauration: héberger et restaurer l’emploi, La documentation française, 150 p. (with Gadrey J et al.)
  • Gallouj C. 2001 : Réduire la TVA et les charges sociales : quelles incidences ? (with Gadrey), in Gadrey et al. Hôtellerie-restauration: héberger et restaurer l’emploi, La documentation française.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2001), L’organisation du processus d’innovation dans les services : les résultats d’une enquête postale, Education et Formations, n° 33, Juin.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2001), Patterns of innovation organisation in service firms : postal survey results and theoretical models, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 28, n°1, p. 57-67.
  • Djellal F., (2001), Les trajectoires d’innovation dans les entreprises de transport routier de marchandises “, Revue Française de Gestion, n° 33, Avril, mai, juin
View reverences in 2000
  • Djellal F., (2000), The rise of information technologies in non informational services , Vierteljahrshefte zur wirtschaftsforschung, n°69-4, janvier, n°spécial.
  • Djellal F. (2000), Technologies de l’information et services non informationnels , Economie et Sociétés, série EGS, n°2, Avril-Mai-Juin.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2000), “ Le casse-tête ” de la mesure de l’innovation dans les services : enquête sur les enquêtes, Revue d’économie industrielle, n°93, 4ème trimestre.
  • Gallouj F. (2000), Beyond technological innovation : trajectories and varieties of service innovations, in Boden M., Miles I. (eds), Services and the knowledge based economy, Continuum, p. 129-145.
  • Gallouj F., Gallouj C. (2000), Neo-Schumpeterian perspectives for Innovation in Services, in Boden M., Miles I. (eds), Services and the knowledge based economy, Continuum, p. 21-37.
View reverences in 1999
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (1999), L’innovation dans les services, les premiers résultats d’une enquête postale exploratoire, in ANRT, L’innovation dans les services : une invitation à l’insurrection intellectuelle, Editions Economica.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (1999), Services and the search for relevant innovation indicators : a review of national and international surveys, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 26, n°4, August, p. 218-232.
  • Sundbo J., Gallouj F. (1999), Innovation as a loosely coupled system in services, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 1, n°1, p.15-36.