Scupola Ada

 Ada Scupola

Associate Professor

Roskilde University, Department of Social Sciences
  • Email:
  • Institut for samfundsvidenskab og erhverv / Department of Social Sciences and Business Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1,
    PO Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde,,

Publications :

  • Scupola A., Victor Holck Abildgaard, Federica Auletta and Magnus Zwicky Riddersholm () «Impact of artificial intelligence on the claim-handling process in insurance services: automation, augmentation, or both? 53» Edward Elgar Publishers. Nb pages: 24. ISBN: 9781035301966 .
  • Fuglsang L., Scupola A., Sundbo J., Herten A () «Artificial intelligence in services: State of the art and future directions. In A. Scupola, J. Sundbo, L. Fuglsang, & A. Henten (Eds.), Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Services.» This Handbook is intended to explore diverse perspectives on the use and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the service sector and provide transdisciplinary theoretical and empirical work in this area. The present collection of chapters is, however, the result of personal author invitation combined with a call for chapters through several mailing lists dealing with business administration, IS, AI and marketing subjects. . Edward Elgar Publishing. Nb pages: 374. ISBN: 9781035301966 .
  • Fuglsang L., Merlin-Brogniart C., Rubalcaba L., Scupola A., MAGNUSSEN S., PERALTA A., RÉVÉSZ E., RØNNING R.,PERALTA A., . (2022), () «Social innovation and public service: a literature review of multi-actor collaborative approaches in five European countries» 182..
  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Understandings of Social Innovation within the Danish Public Sector: A Literature Review,» Administrative Sciences.
  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Social Entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation.» Public Management Review.
  • Mergel I., Scupola A. () «Co-Production in Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Public Value Creation: The case of Denmark. » Government Information Quarterly.