Innovation patterns in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS)

Innovation patterns in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS)

KIBS companies, play multifaceted roles in national innovation systems and contribute to economies and patterns of work and employment. We try to identify the key trends in the structure and activities of KIBS industries . This allows us to formulate evidence-based advice for managers and policymakers, concerning, human capital development, innovation implementation and customer-centric service delivery.


Publications :

  • Belousova V., Obondarenko O., Chichkanov N., ., Lebedev D, (2022) «Coping with Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Insights from Digital Business Services» Energies.
  • Warg M., Schott, E., Frosch, M. () «2024 From Generative AI to Generative Organizations: A Service Lens on Organizational Learnin: Christine Leitner, Rainer Nägele, Clara Bassano and Debra Satterfield (eds) The Human Side of Service and Development. I» AHFE Open Access. Nb pages: 10. Download pdf: from generative ai to generative organizations.
  • Leoni L., Lopez Odriozola U. (2023), in Faïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer and Luis Rubalcaba (Eds), () «Policies for knowledge-intensive business services,» Edward Elgar Publishing. Nb pages: 3. ISBN: 978180220258 ebook.
  • Leoni L., Ardolino M., El Baz J., Gueli G., Bacchetti A. () «The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Processes in the Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Firms, International Journal of Operations and Production Management,» International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Nb pages: 26.