The SEM is cooperating with a network of national and international researchers in the development of common projects, research activities and publications.
The SEM works on three broad thematic areas.
• Consumer Behavior
• Inclusive Services
• Crisis Management
Research fields
Prof. Emmanuel Fragnière is the leader of the SERVICE ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT (SEM) research group at the Institute of Tourism (ITO) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis).
Publications :
- Fragnière E. (2024) «AI and Risk Management: The Critical Role of Service Designers» Touchpoint. Nb pages: 4. Download pdf: sxwyeeq0ur.
- ., Fragnière E., ., Nanchen B., Hannart, S., Moulin, N., Rullac, S., Weissbrodt, R., & Baudin, C. (2022). (2022) «Concevoir avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap» .
- Fragnière E., Dubosson, M., Meier, S. (2022). () «Early detection of human-related risks Digital Transformation»