Innovation in services and services in innovation

Innovation in services and services in innovation

Despite considerable advances in this field, many challenges still remain. This agenda is established by considering the issue of innovation in services in relation to a number of major contemporary challenges, including environmental issues, social inclusion, economic development, service ecosystems, smart service systems, religion, ageing, public organizations, gender, ethical and societal issues, etc.

Publications :

  • Leväsluoto J., Martikainen, J, Pihlajamäki, J.,Kohl, J., Sigfrids, A () «(2021). Digitalization as an Engine for Change? Building a Vision Pathway towards a Sustainable Health Care System by Using the MLP and Health Economic Decision Modelling.» Sustainability.
  • Leväsluoto J., Heikkilä,Viitanen K, Tuovinen () «(2016). Gamification as an enabler of mutual learning in complex health care systems» International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications. Nb pages: 12.
  • Da Silva Furtado D. B. () «“Co-creation in public services for bicycle mobility in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil”» .
  • Hyytinen K. m., Roschier, S., Pursiainen, R., Degerman, R., Moisio, M., Sepponen, S., Hämäläinen, H. & Valkokari, K., () «Collaboration for Success (2022): International benchmark of innovation partnership models.» .
  • Merlin-Brogniart C., LAPERCHE B ,2020 () «Les systèmes produit-service (SPS) : leviers de la transition des économies industrielles,2020» Technologie et innovation.
  • Bagdoniene L. (2021) «Resource scarcity and co-creation of service innovation from co-location perspective: the case of Lithuanian resort Birstonas» Lex Localis. ISBN: 1581-5374.
  • Monnoyer M.C. (2021) « La souffrance au travail dans les processus de servuction» in « Les non dits de la maladie et de la souffrance » MC Monnoyer et Vera Walburg. Presses universitaires de l’ICT. Nb pages: 235.
  • Rubalcaba L. (2018) «Bridging service experiences and service innovation: a new model for understanding the future of services.» .
  • Gremyr I., Witell, L., Löfberg, N., Edvardsson, B., and Fundin, A (2014) «Understanding New Service Development and Service Innovation through Innovation Modes» Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
  • Gremyr I., Valtakoski, A., and Witell, L. (2019) «Two routes of service modularization: advancing standardization and customization» Journal of Services Marketing. Nb pages: 01/01.
  • Rubalcaba L. (2018) «Experience and innovation in services: from human encounters to social building» In Ada Scupola and Lars Fuglsang (eds), Integrated Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research-Emerging and Established Trends. Routledge.
  • Rubalcaba L. (2018) «Bridging service experiences and service innovation: a new model for understanding the future of services» European Review of Service Economics and Management.
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018) «A Research Agenda for Service Innovation» Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. () «Towards a servitization of innovation networks: a mapping» Public Management Review.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2020) «Mapping social innovation networks: Knowledge intensive social services as systems builders» Technological forecasting and social change.