Research fields
▪ Leading ‘Future-proof Societies’ team which focuses on supporting decision-makers to have concrete means to understand the future needs, design proactive policies and to analyse their impacts in the field of innovation and sustainable society.
▪ Key areas of expertise in research, technology and innovation policy, e.g.: innovation system, impact assessment and evaluation of R&D and innovation, methodology development in future-oriented and systemic impact evaluation, service innovation, social innovation and systemic change.
Publications :
- Hyytinen K. m., Leväsluoto J., Toivonen-Noro M. () «(2019)Innovation by Experimenting in Public Services» Springer. Nb pages: 24.
- Hyytinen K. m., Leväsluoto J., Toivonen-Noro M. () «(2017). Child and family services in the digital era. New opportunities for multiprofessional collaboration and the empowerment of users» The European Review of Service Economics and Management. Nb pages: 30. ISBN: 978-2-406-07406-9.p.0017.
- Hyytinen K. m., Nieminen M, Salminen V, Ruutu S. () «Systemic Evaluation Approach to meet the Challenges of Complexity,2020» Springer.
- Hyytinen K. m., Roschier, S., Pursiainen, R., Degerman, R., Moisio, M., Sepponen, S., Hämäläinen, H. & Valkokari, K., () «Collaboration for Success (2022): International benchmark of innovation partnership models.» .
- Gallouj F., Hyytinen K. m., Toivonen-Noro M., Sampsa Ruutur , Mika Nieminen (2015) «Evaluation of services linked to the sustainability: a dynamic and multi-criteria approach» Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to study the challenge of the evaluation in the context of the services in the sector of environment and energy. Because of the specific nature of service innovation the traditional evaluation methods and measures are not able to capture neither the diversity of the innovations nor the multifaceted dimensions of performance. This paper aims to contribute to the need for a more diverse evaluation approach. We study the use of multi-criteria and system dynamic perspectives in the evaluation of services, and we develop a new type of methodology to evaluate their dynamics and multifaceted performance.. .