Gallouj Faïz

 Faïz Gallouj


Faculté de sciences économiques et sociales - University of Lille

Faïz Gallouj is Professor of Economics, Director of a master degree in innovation economics and management and member of the scientific Council of Lille University. He is member of RESER (European Association for Research on Services) and of RNI (Research Network on Innovation). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the European Review of Service Economics and Man-agement (formerly « Economies et Sociétés » Economics and Management of Services Series) He is member of the editorial or scientific boards of 14 journals mainly devoted to services or innovation (including Research Policy, Service Science, the Jour-nal of Innovation Economics, the European Journal of Innovation management). He has au-thored or co-authored 155 articles that have been published in scientific journals and books and 35 research reports for different national and international institutions (including OECD, Euro-pean Commission: SI4S, TSER programme; DG entreprise; ServPPIN, 7th FP; Co-Val, H2020, etc.). Faïz Gallouj is also the author, co-author or editor of 17 books on services and innovation.

Publications :

  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Understandings of Social Innovation within the Danish Public Sector: A Literature Review,» Administrative Sciences.
  • Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Social Entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation.» Public Management Review.
  • Gallouj F., Hyytinen K. m., Toivonen-Noro M., Sampsa Ruutur , Mika Nieminen (2015) «Evaluation of services linked to the sustainability: a dynamic and multi-criteria approach» Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to study the challenge of the evaluation in the context of the services in the sector of environment and energy. Because of the specific nature of service innovation the traditional evaluation methods and measures are not able to capture neither the diversity of the innovations nor the multifaceted dimensions of performance. This paper aims to contribute to the need for a more diverse evaluation approach. We study the use of multi-criteria and system dynamic perspectives in the evaluation of services, and we develop a new type of methodology to evaluate their dynamics and multifaceted performance.. .
  • Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2018) «A Research Agenda for Service Innovation» Edward Elgar Publishers.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. () «Towards a servitization of innovation networks: a mapping» Public Management Review.
  • Desmarchelier B., Djellal F., Gallouj F. (2020) «Mapping social innovation networks: Knowledge intensive social services as systems builders» Technological forecasting and social change.
  • Benoît Desmarchelier, Faridah Djellal & Faïz Gallouj (2019): « Towards a servitization of innovation networks: a mapping », Public  Management Review, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1637012
  • Djellal and Gallouj (2018) A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishers