The rôle of bricolage in service innovation

The rôle of bricolage in service innovation

“Tinkering”, “bricolage”, “unforeseen events” can help innovators

Publications :

  • Fuglsang L. () «Innovation, bricolage and legitimacy» in J. D. Rendtorff (red.), Handbook of Business Legitimacy: Responsibility, Ethics and Society (s. 1-13). Springer.
  • Fuglsang L., Krontoft, A. B., and Kronborg, H (2018) «Innovation activity among nurses: The translation and preliminary validation of the Bricolage Measure - a mixed method study» Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.
  • Fuglsang L., Sørensen F. (2011) «The balance between bricolage and innovation: management dilemmas in sustainable public innovation» The Service Industries Journal.
  • Fuglsang L. (2014) «Bricolage and invisible innovation in public service innovation» Journal of Innovation Economics.