About the Roskilde team, ISE
Innovation in Service and Experience, in short ISE, is a research group in the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University since 2012.
Research area
The research area is how the innovation approach, including entrepreneurship, can be used to understand development problems in enterprises, the society and the economy. The group has a particular focus on service industries and the experience economy (including tourism, creative industries, food industries) and public-private collaboration, as well as service innovation related to public services. Innovation is a concept that can be used theoretically and empirically to understand change and development processes. The research will also focuses on the IT development as a carrier of innovation. Currently new developments in business and society emphasize service, experience, increased innovation and use of IT and new forms of organising and carrying out economic activities. Actual economic and industrial policy emphasizes innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Jørgen Ravn Elkjær, Senior researcher
- Claire Forder - Email: forder@ruc.dk
- Lars Fuglsang, Head of Research Group Innovation in Service and Experience, Reser Council President - Email: fuglsang@ruc.dk
- Niels Nolsø Grünbaum, Associate Professor
- Birte Hansen
- Fabian Holt, Associate Professor
- Jens Friis Jensen, Senior researcher - Email: Jensfj@ruc.dk
- Matias Thuen Jørgensen, Assistant Professor
- Jørn Kjølseth Møller, Associate Professor
- Ada Scupola, Associate Professor - Email: ada@ruc.dk
- Flemming Sørensen, Associate Professor - Email: flemmiso@ruc.dk
- Jon Sundbo, Professor - Email: sundbo@ruc.dk
- Anna Vorre Hansen, Postdoc - Email: vorre@ruc.dk
Publications and references
- Fuglsang L., Merlin-Brogniart C., Peralta A., Rubalcaba L., Ronning, R., Magnussen, S., Révész, É. (2023) «Social innovation and public service: a literature review of multi-actor collaborative approaches in five European countries.» Technological Forecasting & Social Change..
- Fuglsang L., Merlin-Brogniart C., Rubalcaba L., Scupola A., MAGNUSSEN S., PERALTA A., RÉVÉSZ E., RØNNING R.,PERALTA A., . (2022), () «Social innovation and public service: a literature review of multi-actor collaborative approaches in five European countries» 182..
- Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Understandings of Social Innovation within the Danish Public Sector: A Literature Review,» Administrative Sciences.
- Fuglsang L., Gallouj F., Scupola A., Hansen A. V. () «Social Entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation.» Public Management Review.
- Mergel I., Scupola A. () «Co-Production in Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Public Value Creation: The case of Denmark. » Government Information Quarterly.
- Fuglsang L. () «Innovation, bricolage and legitimacy» in J. D. Rendtorff (red.), Handbook of Business Legitimacy: Responsibility, Ethics and Society (s. 1-13). Springer.
- Fuglsang L., Krontoft, A. B., and Kronborg, H (2018) «Innovation activity among nurses: The translation and preliminary validation of the Bricolage Measure - a mixed method study» Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.
- Fuglsang L., Sørensen F. (2011) «The balance between bricolage and innovation: management dilemmas in sustainable public innovation» The Service Industries Journal.
- Fuglsang L. (2014) «Bricolage and invisible innovation in public service innovation» Journal of Innovation Economics.
- Jørgensen M. T. (2017) «Reframing tourism distribution – Activity theory and actor-network theory - 62, 312-321» Tourism management.
- Bryson, J., Sundbo, J., Fuglsang, L. and Daniels, P. (2021), Service Management, Palgrave, Cham
- Sundbo, J. (2021), Advanced Introduction to the Experience Economy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
- Sundbo, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Gallouj, F. (2022), Servitization in the creative and cultural industries, InternationalJournal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 65-85
- Sundbo J, Fuglsang L (2022) Managing employee empowerment and engagement to foster service innovation.In: Edvardsson B, Tronvoll B (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
- Björk, P., Räikkönen, J., Prebensen, N. and Sundbo, J. (2021), 20 years of Nordic tourism experience research: a review and future research agenda, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, vol. 21 no. 1, pp. 26-36.
- Engen, M., Fuglsang, F., Tuominen, T., Sundbo, J., Møller, J.K., Scupola, A. and Sørensen, F. (2021), Conceptualizing employee involvement in service innovation: an integrative review, Journal of Service Management, vol. 32 no. 5, pp. 702-751
- Bæhrenholdt, J.O., Fuglsang, L. and Sundbo, J. (2021), A coalition for ’small tourism’ in a marginal place: Configuring a geo-social position, Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 87. pp. 169-180.
- Jørgensen, M. T., Hansen, A. V., Sørensen, F., Fuglsang, L., Sundbo, J., Jensen, J. F. (2021), Collective tourism social entrepreneurship: A means for community mobilization and social transformation, Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 88, DOI org/10.1016/j.annals.2021.103171
- Jørgensen, M. T. (2017). Reframing tourism distribution – Activity theory and actor-network theory. Tourism management, 62, 312-321.
- Sørensen, F., & Lapenta, F. (Eds.). (2017). Service Innovation Research Methods. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Scupola, A., & Zanfei, A. (2016). Governance and innovation in public sector services: The case of the digital library. Government Information Quarterly, 33(2), 237-249.
- Fuglsang, L., & Jagd, S. (2015). Making sense of institutional trust in organizations: Bridging institutional context and trust. Organization, 22(1), 23-39.
- Sundbo, J., Sundbo, D., & Henten, A. (2015). Service encounters as bases for innovation. Service Industries Journal, 35(5), 255-274.
- Sørensen, F., & Jensen, J. F. (2015). Value creation and knowledge development in tourism experience encounters. Tourism Management, 46, 336-346.
- Fuglsang, L., & Eide, D. (2013). The experience turn as ‘bandwagon’: Understanding network formation and innovation as practice. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(4), 418-435.
- Sundbo, J., & Sørensen, F. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook on the experience economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Sørensen, F., Sundbo, J., & Mattsson, J. (2013). Organisational conditions for service encounter-based innovation. Research Policy, 42(8), 1446-1456.
- Fuglsang, L., & Sørensen, F. (2011). The balance between bricolage and innovation: Management dilemmas in sustainable public innovation. Service Industries Journal, 31(4), 581–595.
- Fuglsang, L., Sundbo, J., & Sørensen, F. (2011). Dynamics of experience service innovation: innovation as a guided activity – results from a Danish survey. Service Industries Journal, 31(5), 661-677.
- Sundbo, J., & Toivonen, M. (Eds.). (2011). User-Based Innovation In Services. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Fuglsang, L. (2010). Bricolage and invisible innovation in public service innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics, 2010 (n° 5)(1), 67-87.
- Sørensen, F., Mattsson, J., & Sundbo, J. (2010). Experimental methods in innovation research. Research Policy, 39(3), 313-322.
- Fuglsang, L. (Ed.). (2008). Innovation and the creative process: towards innovation with care. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Sundbo, J., & Gallouj, F. (2000). Innovation as loosely coupled system i services. In J. S. Metcalfe & I. Miles (Eds.), Innovation systems in the service economy, Measurement and case study analysis (pp. 43-68). London: Kluwer.
- Sundbo, J. (1997). Management of innovation in services. Service Industries Journal, 17(3), 432-455.