

Education is essential for economic and social development. Educational systems need to adapt to new societal challenges by adopting recent technologies and promoting more inclusive and efficient approaches.

We investigate the impact that digital technologies and innovation culture have on company performance. We also examine, how young professionals acquire necessary competences and search for new job opportunities, and invest time and effort in professional development through online education platforms, and through networking and building relationships with the members of a professional community.

The role of vocational training, especially the German dual system, in access and success in the labor market.

Publications :

  • Gallouj C., Paché G., Stephen L. Vargo (introduction) (2020) «Management des services, convergences, contrastes et controverses» Alors que l'activité manufacturière a été, de longue date, au cœur des analyses consacrées à la création de valeur, le management des services ouvre désormais des espaces de réflexion d'une grande richesse. En se plaçant à de multiples niveaux d'analyse, qu'il s'agisse d'étudier les services aux consommateurs ou les services aux entreprises, il témoigne de profondes mutations au sein de ce que l'on appelle désormais le processus de servuction. le rôle du personnel en contact, mais aussi les modes de participation du client à la production du service, sont l'objet de toutes les attentions dans une économie mondialisée et de plus en plus digitalisée.. Presses universitaires de Provence. Nb pages: 353. ISBN: 979-10-320-0268-1.
  • Monnoyer M.C. (2022) «Can COVID’s experience be of relevance to teachers?» It is the obvious risk of the spread of an epidemic that calls into question the working methods and the personal relationship between members of the teaching staff or the teacher-student relationship. It is no longer the material structures of our organisations that are at stake, but the human relationships of our professional lives.. journal of Mediterranean knowledge.