HES-SO Valais-Wallis

HES-SO Valais-Wallis



Publications and references

  • . () «Book of abstracts , Reser conference 2023, Sierre Switzerland» You will find here all the papers presented in Sierre in december 2023. . Download pdf: reser 2023 bookofabstract new.
  • ., Fragnière E., ., Nanchen B., Hannart, S., Moulin, N., Rullac, S., Weissbrodt, R., & Baudin, C. (2022). (2022) «Concevoir avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap» .
  • ., Ramseyer R, Grèzes S., Wyer M., Gervaix A., Juon D., (2022) () «Perceptions of People Special Needs Regarding Autonomous Vehicles» Frontiers in Human Dynamics. Nb pages: 11. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fhumd.2021.751258.