
Chalmers University of Technology

Department of Technology Management and Economics

  • 41296 Gothenburg,

Publications and references

  • Bröchner J. (2024) «Effects of generative AI on service occupations with social interaction.» AI & Society.
  • Bröchner J. (2023) «The service sector in the classical world: focus on entertainment and well-being.» International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Nb pages: 13.
  • Bröchner J., Gluch, P., Svensson, I. (2023) «Municipal facilities managers as strategists.» Facilities. Nb pages: 3.
  • Gremyr I., Birch-Jensen, A., Kumar, M., & Löfberg, N () «(2022). Quality functions' use of customer feedback as activation triggers for absorptive capacity and value co-creation.» International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Nb pages: 24.
  • Gremyr I., Bäckstrand, J., Fredriksson, A., Gatenholm, G., and Halldórsson, Á () «(2023). Blueprinting construction logistics services for quality improvement» Construction Management and Economics. Nb pages: 3.
  • Gremyr I., Martin, J., Dang, Q. H., () «(2023). The influence of digitalisation on the role of quality professionals and their practices» Cogent Business & Management.
  • Gremyr I., Elg, M. () «(2023). Patient involvement in quality improvement: a survey comparing naturalistic and reflective approaches. e001981.» BMJ open quality.
  • Gremyr I., Smeds, M., Martin, J., Elg, M., () «(2023). Why won’t you leave the process alone? Exploring emotional, motivational and cognitive mechanisms triggering tampering. 791-805.» Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Nb pages: 26.
  • Gremyr I., Witell, L., Löfberg, N., Edvardsson, B., and Fundin, A (2014) «Understanding New Service Development and Service Innovation through Innovation Modes» Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
  • Gremyr I., Valtakoski, A., and Witell, L. (2019) «Two routes of service modularization: advancing standardization and customization» Journal of Services Marketing. Nb pages: 01/01.
  • Bröchner, J. (2018). Comparing performance measurement for industrial maintenance and facility management. European Review of Service Economics and Management, Vol. 5, 2018, No. 1, pp. 45-63.
  • Fundin, A., Bergqvist, B., Eriksson, H., and Gremyr, I. (2018) Challenges and propositions for research in quality management. International Journal of Production Economics, 199 (May), 125–137
  • Bröchner, J. (2017). Measuring the productivity of facilities management. Journal of Facilities Management, Vol. 15, 2017, No. 3, pp. 285-301.
  • Lenning, J., and Gremyr, I. (2017). Making internal audits business-relevant. Total quality management and business excellence. 28 (9-10), 1106-1121
  • Bröchner, J. (2016). Coordination in slowly emerging service ecosystems: construction history. European Review of Service Economics and Management, Vol. 2, 2016, No. 2, pp. 17-41.
  • Bröchner, J., Camén, C., Eriksson, H. and Garvare, R. (2016). Quality and legal aspects in public care procurement. The TQM Journal, Vol. 28, 2016, No. 4, pp. 648-663.
  • Gustavsson, S., Gremyr, I, Sarenmalm, E. K. (2016). Designing quality of care – contributions from parents: Parents’ experiences of care processes in paediatric care and their contribution to improvements of the care process in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25 (5-6), 742-751
  • Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Bergqvist, B., Garvare, R., Zobel, T. and Isaksson, R. (2016) The support of Quality Management to sustainable development: A literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 138 (2), 148-157
  • Eriksson, H., Gremyr, I., Bergqvist, B., Garvare, R., Fundin, A., Wiklund, H., Wester, M., and Sörqvist, L. (2016) Exploring Quality Challenges and the Validity of Excellence Models. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36 (10), 1201-1221
  • Hellström, A., Lifvergren, S., Gustavsson, S., and Gremyr, I. (2015) Adopting a Management Innovation in a Professional Organization – The Case of Improvement Knowledge in Healthcare. Business Process Management Journal, 21 (5), 1186-1203.
  • Gremyr, I. Siva, V., Raharjo, H. and Goh, TN. (2014) Adapting the Robust Design Methodology to support sustainable product development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 79, 231-238
  • Gremyr, I., Witell, L., Löfberg, N., Edvardsson, B., and Fundin, A (2014) Understanding New Service Development and Service Innovation through Innovation Modes. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 29 (2), 123-131
  • Sezer, A.A. and Bröchner, J. (2014). The construction productivity debate and the measurement of service qualities. Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 32, 2014, No. 6, pp. 565-574. (With Ahmet Anil Sezer)
  • Gremyr, I. and Raharjo, H. (2013) Quality Function Deployment in Healthcare: A literature review and case study. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 6(2), 135-146
  • Sezer, A.A. and Bröchner, J. (2013). Construction productivity growth and business services. Économies et Sociétés, Vol. 47 EGS, 2013, No. 3-4, pp. 509-529.
  • Elg, M., Gremyr, I., Hellström, A., and Witell, L. (2011) The role of quality managers in contemporary organizations. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Journal, 22(8), 795-806
  • Bröchner, J. (2010). Construction contractors as service innovators. Building Research and Information (2010) 38(3), 235-246.
  • Bröchner, J. (2010). Innovation in construction. In The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective, eds. F. Gallouj and F. Djellal, pp. 743-767. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
  • Leiringer, R. and Bröchner, J. (2010). Service-led construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 28, 2010, No. 11, pp. 1123-1129. (With Roine Leiringer)
  • Lifvergren, S., Gremyr, I., Chakhunashvili, A., Hellström, A. and Bergman, B. (2010), Lessons from Sweden’s first large-scale implementation of Six Sigma in healthcare. Operations Management Research, 3(3).117–128
  • Gremyr, I., Löfberg, N and Witell, L. (2010) Service Innovations in Manufacturing Firms. Managing Service Quality, 20(2), 161-175
  • Sporrong, J., Bröchner, J. and Kadefors, A. (2009). Public procurement of architectural and engineering services: fee and quality. In Managing IT in Construction/Managing Construction for Tomorrow, ed. A. Dikbas, E. Ergen and H. Giritli, pp. 683-688. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2009.
  • Arvidsson, M. and Gremyr, I. (2008) Principles of Robust Design Methodology. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 24(1), 23-35