RESER GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Gothenburg Chalmers University 22th September 2018

School-of-Business-Economic reser 2018

RESER- European Association for REsearch on SERvices


RESER GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Gothenburg Chalmers University 22th September 2018

Patrik Ström (University of Gothenburg)
José Luis Navarro Espigares (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves),
Ida Gremyr (Chalmers),
José Aureliano Martin Secura (University of Granada)
Pedro Costa (IISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa)
Celine Merlin-Brogniart (University of Lille)
Metka Stare (Faculty of social sciences, university of Ljubljana)
Markus Scheuer (RWI Essen)
Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Luis Rubalcaba (University of Alcala)
Lars Fulgsang (Roskilde University),
Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University)
Marie-Christine Monnoyer (University of Toulouse 1)
Luna Leoni (Roma University)
Liudmila Bagdoniene (Kaunas University of technology)
Pierre-Yves LEO (Aix-Marseille University CERGAM)
Daisy Bertrand (Aix-Marseille University)
Jana  Huck (Karlstad University)
Morten JW Hansen (Zealand Institute of business and technology)
Gintare Valkauskiene (Kaunas University of technology)
Veronika Belousova (HSE University, Russia)
Council members Excused : Maria Savona, Alexander Schletz, Gisela di Meglio, Laurentiu Tachiciu.
– About Financial account and budget approval: Total surplus in 2018 of 638,17 euros. There was less expenses because there was no applicant for mobility grant last year. The main chapters have been renewed for next year. The budget proposal 2019 and the 2018 accounting were approved by the GA.
The Council Activity report 2017-2018 was presented, with 2 telemeetings and 2 face to face meetings (Brussels and in Gothenburg). It is important to keep face-to-face meeting and why not extend the next face-to-face meeting with one night.
Institutional Memberships: only 2 institutional memberships. How should we develop the international memberships?
P. Ström thanked E. Hernandez again and the rest of the organization team of 2017 Bilbao’s conference for their excellent work. The outcome publication from Bilbao, the only publications was the proceeding and an ESBM issue (a digital book on line) that has been promoted.
For The 2018 conference in Gothenburg, a balance has been made between practitioners and academics. The doctorial colloquium was organised the day before. The Lifetime Achievement Award has been given to Metka Stare.
– For the publication after the in Gothenburg conference, there are several journals possible (Ersem, I-Remi, I-Jiem, Amfiteatru Economic). Today, there is no special issues for the Reser conference. Currently, the journal issue has to be opened to outside papers. It is possible that a member of the council make the link between the journals and the Reser participants.
– About the Redlas conference: The redlas conference was held in Buenos Aires. Today, the Redlas conference is about the same size as the Reser conference. The date was too close to the Reser conference so there was few participation from Redlas members at the Reser conference. The next conference will be in Columbia.
About strategic outlooks: the question is not to attract people from the rest of the world, but to develop connections with researchers in particular from the north of Africa as the next Reser conference will be held in Ceuta. Reser council member has to send information to the people with whom they have connection on this continent about this conference. We also have to bound people already attending to Reser. It would be interesting to introduce teams on the website and consolidate what we already have. There is a possibility to have special session if somebody has a suggestion on a specific topic. Then people have to write half a page to the Reser Council to explain the topic.
About the Website : The new site will be opened at the 1st of October. For the future, we have to think of social networks to make the link to the website, otherwise the website is not living. People (inside or outside the Council) could be in charge for example for finding information on the PhD-thesis-projects. Alexander Schletz will be mainly in charge of the technical part, the whole Council about information. Luna proposed some changes to the new website such as to have a page dedicated to grants and awards. Markus said that we can not only be in a collector position, we have to hunt information, to see who is working on the same topic. But Reser has to be cautious with the new regulations law about private information data. We have to find a template to demand a specific permission to use data from the Reser members.
-About PhD Mobility Grant, Small Research Grant, Phd Grant : We keep the small research grant but it was proposed to extend it to networking tasks. For example, when someone wants to propose a Reser session in another conference to promote Reser. It has been proposed that Luna writes a page to promote the mobility grant.
About publications of communications accepted at the Reser conference: As the Reser organizers received only few full papers this year, the question was if it is still important to force people to present a full paper for the conference. Currently some people are very careful with the diffusion of their paper as they fear that journals could reject their paper as it has been already diffused during the Reser conference. But at the same time, other people, in particular PhD-students want to get a feedback on their papers in the conference to prove that their paper has been evaluated. A middle-solution is proposed: the abstract is not sufficient, participants at Reser-conferences have to provide the full paper or at least an extended abstract in August in addition to the abstract given for the call for communications. The e-mail address has to be added to the extended abstract. For the organisation team, it will enable them to make sessions that match the papers and for the chairman, the extended abstracts will help them to prepare the debate.
Discussion about this year’s PhD Colloquium : An informal format has been proposed this year. It was a good meeting with 7 students. About PhD activity, the Reser can be used as a network platform. The PhD colloquium has to be maintained in this informal way.
Elections for new council members: Two people have to be re-elected : Laurentiu Tachiciu and Lars Fulgsang. Laurentiu decline to be re-elected. Lars has been re-elected and Liudmila Bagdoniene has been proposed for election by Markus Scheuer, and has been elected. José Aureliano Martin Segura (University of Granada) has also been included to the Council as the next organizer of the Reser-conference.
New Council: 23 september 2018:
President:  Markus Scheuer (RWI Essen)
Vice-President:  Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University)
Secretary: Céline Merlin-Brogniart (University of Lille)
Treasurer: José Luis Navarro Espigares (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves),
Website editors : Alexander Schletz (Frauhofer IAO), Marie-Christine Monnoyer (University of Toulouse 1),
Reser representative to Redlas: Maria Savona (Sussex, UK),
Reser PHD student representative: Luna Leoni (Roma University)
2019 Reser-conference organizer: José Aureliano Martin Secura (University of Granada),
Ida Gremyr (Chalmers), Pedro Costa (IISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa) , Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Lars Fulgsang (Roskilde University), Liudmila Bagdoniene (Kaunas University of technology), Gisela di Meglio (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
– Up coming conference 2019:
2019 conference will be held at Ceuta. The new website will promote the conference. The main theme of this conference will be: “Services and the future of workforce.” XIX International RESER Conference. September 12th-14 th 2019, Ceuta, Spain
For the 2020 conference, Alcala has been proposed in Spain to mix the Coval European project in which the University of Alcala is involved, with the Reser-conference. The issue will be innovation and co-creation. It is quite interesting to meet the two conferences in order to share the costs.
The University of Luxembourg might be a potential solution for a future Reser-conference.
Secretary: Céline MERLIN-BROGNIART
President: Patrik STRÖM