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Appel à articles – Numerique et services, digitalisation of services, call for papers, dead line 2025, january 15th

Do not forget the deadline 15 of january 2025 for this call for paper   For this special issue of Technology and Innovation, authors are invited to submit empirical research, methodological or conceptual papers that focus on topics related to digital transformation in services. Papers may be based on qualitative or quantitative methods. The following...

Call for papers “Tourism research and practice: trends and transitions” for the 2025 EURAM Conference,

From Luna Leoni, Reser Member ! We invite you to submit your research paper to our track T12_06 “Tourism research and practice: trends and transitions” for the 2025 EURAM Conference, which will be held at the University of Florence (Italy) from 22nd to 25th June 2025.  The track addresses the worldwide recognized...

Appel à articles – Numerique et services,digitalisation of services, call for papers, dead line November 30th

 Urgent , do not forget this call   Notre collaboration avec RRI nous permet de vous proposer de répondre à l’appel à participation au numéro spécial "THE  coordonné par Celine Merlin Brogniard (Clerse) et Emmanuel Fragniere (HES-SO) As part of our collaboration with RRI, we invite you to participate in the special issue...