Reser held its AGM online on Friday January 31, with the following agenda
1) Financial statements presentation and vote
2) Reser conference 2025 in Rome, awards and publication issues
3) Reser session at the Forum Innovation 2025
4) Reser conference 2026
A large turnout reached the quorum, validating the association’s accounts and bringing its sound financial situation to everyone’s attention.
President Lars Fuglsang thanked Tiziana Russo Spena, our accounter, and invited all members to attend the next congress, which will be held in Rome (Tor Vergata University) at the end of October. All Reser members will receive the call for papers in the next few days. He also encouraged participants and members to propose organizing the 2026 conference.
Céline Merlin, our secretary invited participants to join the Reser session at the Forum Innovation 2025 (October 13-16)
Webmaster M. Christine Monnoyer has reminded us that the RESER website is updated as soon as information is transmitted, such as new publications, changes in responsibilities, or member locations. Please feel free to help us update your profile by sending an e-mail.