Place: University of Granada, Campus of Ceuta, Ceuta, Spain.
- Celine Merlin-Brogniart (University of Lille, France)
- Camal Gallouj (University of Paris 13, France)
- Marie-Christine Monnoyer (University of Toulouse 1, France)
- Metka Stare (Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana; Slovenia)
- Jean Philippe (Aix-Marseille University, France)
- Faïz Gallouj (University of Lille, France)
- Daisy Bertrand (Aix-Marseille University, France)
- Veronika Belousova (HSE University, Russia)
- Nikolay Chichkanov (HSE University, Russia)
- Liudmila Bagdoniene (Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania)
- Ingrid Fasshauer (Paris, France)
- Silva Milena Jaël (Nantes, France)
- Christian Bourret (Université Paris-est, France)
- Charlotte Feraille (Université Paris-est, France)
- Ellen Harpel (USA)
- Samuelle Meier (Switzerland)
- Gard Hoibjerg (Norway)
- Ane Bast (Norway)
- Arni Halldorsson (Sweden)
- Ida Gremyr (Chalmers)
- Jon Sundbo (Denmark)
- José Luis Navarro Espigares (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Spain)
- Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University, Spain)
- Pedro Costa (IISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Markus Scheuer (Essen, Germany)
Council members excused:
- Luna Leoni (Roma University, Italy)
- Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
- Lars Fulgsang (Roskilde University, Denamrk)
- Alexander Schletz (Fraunhofer IAO, Germany)
Council Activity report 2018-2019
The Council Activity report 2018-2019 was presented, with 2 telemeetings and 2 face to face meetings (Brussels and Gothenburg).
Reading of the annual report of the Reser in which M. Scheuer thanked Gothenburg organizers (P. Ström and Ida Gremyr) again and the rest of the organization team of 2018 Gothenburg’s conference for their excellent work. There are difficulties in finding publication materials after the conference but not all responsibility should rest with the organizer. There are several journals possible (Ersem, I-Remi, I-Jiem, Amfiteatru Economic). Today, there are no special issues for the Reser conference. Currently, the journal issue has to be opened to outside papers. It is possible that a member of the council makes the link between the journals and the Reser participants.
The number of attendees and PhD students depends on the location of the conference. (Bilbao: 60, Gothenburg: 90, Ceuta: 50).
Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno will continue the communication work that Maria Savona were doing with REDLAS.
About RESER website
We will hire a professional to improve the Reser website, in addition to the work of Alexander Schletz and Marie Christine Monnoyer.
The website is the main communication tool of RESER. We need that the members of RESER give us ideas to improve the website.
Reser members will be asked:
- the permission to publish articles on services that are already in open archives
- to specify in their university what are the programs on services and the courses on services
- if any PhD students have defended their thesis on services
- to give good keywords to catch information about the RESER member presentation and the team presentation on the website
- if they are involved in a Journal on services
- for their full paper or a ppt presentation from the conference (as it is not under the strict constraint of publisher, a presentation of themselves.
Several ideas were proposed by the assembly:
- To create a hub on new member: to have a section »research partners« or »call for partners«
- Create yellow pages (name surname institution specialities, a page on project and a page for individual)
Elections for new council members:
Three people had to be re-elected: Gisela di Meglio (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Maria Savona (Sussex University, UK), Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy).
Gisela di Meglio and Maria Savona declined to be re-elected. Tiziana Russo Spena has been re-elected and Veronika Belousova, National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, has been proposed for election by Markus Scheuer, and has been elected as a co-opted member of the Council. Luis Rubalcaba (University of Alcala) has also been included to the Council as the organizer of the next RESER-conference.
New Council: 13th September 2019
- President: Markus Scheuer (Essen, Germany)
- Vice-President: Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University, Spain)
- Secretary: Céline Merlin-Brogniart (University of Lille, France)
- Treasurer: José Luis Navarro Espigares (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Spain)
- Website editors: Alexander Schletz (Fraunhofer IAO, Germany), Marie-Christine Monnoyer (University of Toulouse 1, France)
- RESER representative to REDLAS: Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University, Spain)
- RESER PHD student representative: Luna Leoni (Roma University, Italy)
- 2020 RESER-conference organizer: Luis Rubalcaba (University of Alcala, Spain)
- Other members of the Council:
- Ida Gremyr (Chalmers, Sweden)
- Pedro Costa (IISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
- Lars Fulgsang (Roskilde University, Denamrk)
- Liudmila Bagdoniene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
- Veronika Belousova (Moscow, Russia)
Upcoming conference 2020
2020 conference will be held at Alcala de Henares, 30 km from the city of Madrid, Spain. The new website will promote the conference. The main theme of this conference will be: »Value co-creation, Innovation, and Digital Transformation in the European Public Services.« XXX. International RESER Conference. It will be held this time not in September but from 17-18th of June 2020.
For the 2020 conference, Alcala has been proposed in Spain to mix the Coval European project in which the University of Alcala is involved, with the Reser-conference. The issue will be innovation and co-creation. It is quite interesting to meet the two conferences in order to create synergies on public services, and to share the costs.
About financial account and budget approval
Total deficit in 2019 was of 78,37 Euros. There were less expenses because there was no applicant for the mobility grant last year. The main chapters in the budget have been renewed for next year. The budget proposal 2020 and the 2019 accounting were approved by the GA.