Reser council moral report 2023

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We are opening the 33rd RESER conference, hosted at the digital centre in Sierre in the Swiss Valais by our colleagues from the HES SO. One of the very first RESER conferences took place in Lausanne and we can’t forget our colleagues Denis Maillat and louis Boulianne (….) who have been with us for a long time. But it’s Emmanuel and Benjamin who have now taken over. 

As a founding member, I can also mention that it was during a meeting in Geneva at the International Insurance Congress that the future founders of RESER met and came up with the idea of our network, with the help of Orio Giarini.

It is traditional for RESER’s annual conference to travel around Europe from one year to the next. We have been to Italy (2 times), Spain (4 times), Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Portugal, France (4 times), the United Kingdom (2 times), Germany (4 times), Romania, Hungary, Austria…Over the last 30 years, the importance of services has changed within economies, with digital technology revolutionising the way services are produced and located. Their role in international trade has grown, enabling some countries to move away from dependence on raw materials alone.

For all these reasons, It’s a pleasure to explain to you now what we have not done during the past year