- Celine Merlin-Brogniart (University of Lille, France)
- Marie-Christine Monnoyer (University of Toulouse 1, France)
- Liudmila Bagdoniene (Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania)
- Ida Gremyr (Chalmers, Sweden)
- José Luis Navarro Espigares (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Spain)
- José Aureliano Martín Segura (University of Granada, Spain)
- Estibaliz Hernandez Eleno (Mondragon University, Spain)
- Markus Scheuer (Essen, Germany)
Council members excused
- Luna Leoni (Roma University, Italy)
- Tiziana Russo Spena (Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
- Lars Fulgsang (Roskilde University, Denmark)
- Pedro Costa (IISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Alexander Schletz (Fraunhofer IAO, Germany)
Discussion on the Ceuta conference
- The planned boat trip will depend on the weather
- 3 papers were selected for the PhD distinction.
- The RESER Founders’ Award First Prize of 500 EUR has been awarded to Nikolay Chichkanov (National Research University Higher School of Economics) for his paper: »Service and Knowledge Coproduction as an Innovation Driver in Knowledge-intensive Business Services«
- We decide to award a second prize: the RESER Founders’ Award Second Prize of 300 EUR for the Second-best paper has been awarded to Birutė Vilčiauskaitė (Kaunas University of Technology) for her paper: »Rethinking of older talent’s recareering trajectories in later life.«
About the next conference in Alcala
For the 2020 conference, Alcala in Spain has been proposed to mix the Coval European project in which the University of Alcala is involved, with the RESER-conference.
It is planned for the 17-18th of June so that Coval’s contributions can be improved, also because the faculty is empty at this time of year.
Coval = 25 people
Ida indicates that in Gothenburg the conference would not have been sustainable without the support of the city hall
Two sites were proposed Alcala and Vigo. But the city of Vigo is not well served so the choice of Alcala has become a necessity.
The call for papers will be written by the second week of October.
About the web site
The RESER site needs to be updated, European RGPDI legislation must be taken into account, we lost a lot of things by moving from the old webpage to the new webpage (e.g. the history of RESER). It’s too much work for two people to update the website to put the documents and search for the data. The legislations must be done by a specialist. To upload the old documents (4 per hour) this can be done by the specialist, then by Alexander and Marie-Christine.
It is necessary to find the information on the PhD students, the doctoral defence in services in each country. It is necessary to know the master’s degrees relating to services, the courses in the field of services.
We could put on the site the papers on the services that are open source (Halshs, research gate).
We could add information about partners from the RESER community. We could try to be better referenced on search engines.
About the composition of the Council
Tiziana Russo Spena and José Aureliano Martín Segura have to be reelected. Veronika Belousova can not be elected as she has not sent a presentation, but she can be co-opted, she might be elected next year.
REDLAS has found a solution to get some support.
Maria Savona is no longer responsible for the cooperation with REDLAS. The council proposes Estibaliz as she speaks Spanish.
About phone meetings
It would be important to have regularly telemeetings one per month to move forward.
About finance
It will be necessary to have a new phone associated with the bank account.