SFINNO - Database of Finnish innovations

VTT has compiled an internationally unique, longitudinal database of some 4700 individual product and service innovations of Finnish businesses from across the Finnish economy. These innovations have been commercialised during the years 1945-2009. The innovations are identi-fied by so-called literature based innovation counting, where our sources are a wide variety of technical- and trade-journals, as well as firms’ annual reports from a wide range of industries.

This basic data is complemented with a questionnaire instrument since 1985, providing more detailed information related to the innovations and their underlying innovation processes. Varia-bles comprise characteristics of the innovation, the innovation process and the firm. With the help of SFINNO data, we are able to analyse changes in innovation activities by, for example, industry, technology area or regions. More information available at: www.vtt.fi/proj/sfinno