- Daniela Fehrenbach - Email:
- Christian Van Husen, Dean of the Industrial Solutions Management course as well as head of the Steinbeis Transfer Center service engineering + design - Email:
Research fields
- Innovationslabor für den Transformationsprozess im stationären Handel – Urban Innovation Hub (2022)
- Smart Retail – Digitalisierung und Innovation im stationären Handel – Mit Smart Services die Stärken erhalten und die digitale Zukunft gestalten (2022)
- Smart Service Innovation (2020 – 2022)
- Kompetenzzentrum Smart Services (2020 – 2024)
- Smart Services für Macher (2018 – 2020)
- dimenSion – Multidimensionales Service Prototyping (2015 – 2019)
- ParaBaSe – Parameterbasiertes Service Design bei der Innovation von Produkt-Service-Systemen (2015 – 2017)
Publications and references
7 research projects have been carried out, three of them currently ongoing. The team is developing several demonstrators for Smart Services in the Industrial Solutions Lab which also serves as experience center for Smart Services. This is intended to demonstrate application examples for industry and retail. In addition to the development of new methods and demonstrators as well as research for the use of new technologies in services, the topic of workshops and knowledge transfer is also of high importance.