Scheuer Markus

 Markus Scheuer

Senior researcher

Former Reser Council Second circle

As a labour economist first as assistant at the universities of Saarbrücken and Darmstadt, Markus Scheuer was interested in finding out where new jobs were coming from and turned to studying services. In the last years, his focus was mainly on the health care sector. Before retirement, he was for more than 30 years with the economic research institute RWI in Essen, Germany. Markus is RESER-member since the conference in the year 2000 and has served in various positions at the RESER-Council. between 2018 and 2023, he was the RESER-President.



Publications :

  • Scheuer M. (2012) «Germany - a growing power on the global services markets» Proceedings on CD of the 22nd RESER International Conference, 20 – 22 September 2012 Bucharest. Reser. ISBN: 978-606-505-565-0.


  • Scheuer, M. (2012), Germany – What can be learnt from the Dual Vocational Training System? Proceedings on CD of the 22nd RESER International Conference, 20 – 22 September 2012 Bucharest (ISBN: 978-606-505-565-0).
  • Scheuer, M., B. Augurzky, J. L. Navarro Espigares (2011), Productivity in services: Evidence from the hospital sector in Germany and Spain. XXI. International Conference of RESER: Productivity of Services Next Gen – Beyond Output/Input. 7. – 10. September 2011
  • Scheuer, M. (2010), Wirtschaftspolitik für qualifizierte und international erfolgreiche Dienstleistungsarbeit. Diskussionsbeitrag zum 2. Expertengespräch des Arbeitskreises Dienstleistungen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung am 18. März 2010 in Berlin. – Thesenpapier: