
A partnership contract between the Innovation Research network and RESER.

On avril 22, 2024 was signed a partnership contract between the Innovation Research network (RRI in french) and RESER. This partnership will be made visible to all participants at the RESER 2024 Congress, thanks to RRI's responsibility for track 5 of the call for papers.  The Innovation Research Network, a not-for-profit...

Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024 Conference, call for papers Reser would like to share the Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024 Conference organized by CEUCI, with Gabi Celani and Milena Serafim as chairs. Organizing a conference, especially on a new theme, is challenging. We believe the study, planning, and design of science parks, innovation districts, and knowledge-production buildings and territories will...

a Reser new doctor: Luciana Oliveira Militao

On 19 February 2024, Luciana Oliveira Militao successfully defended her doctoral thesis, prepared under the supervision of Josiviana Silva Farias, professor at the University of Brasilia in Brazil, and Professor Faiz Gallouj of the University of Lille in France. Her research focuses on "the importance of trust between key players...

The 2023 Reser founder’s award

The 2023 Reser founder’s award was attributed to Pericles Jose Pires, PhD candidate in Information Management Business School Federal University of Paraná/Brazil MBA Program for his paper entitled  "Axiological Competence by Higher Students' Users of AI Generative in Brazil: Qualitative Approach", which was a part of the PhD Grants session...

New support for the RESER Board: the second circle!

On 9 December 2023, the RESER General Meeting held at the Sierre Congress (Switzerland) adopted the creation of the "second circle". It brings together RESER members who wish to work with the Board to contribute specific skills that are useful to the association. A reduced registration fee for the annual...

RESER Council Activity Report 2021-2022

1. General Information on the RESER Council work

Council meetings, communication with members and website

Since the last conference in Heilbron (Germany), the Council had frequent meetings to discuss and to decide about the ongoing affairs. The traditional face-to-face meeting wasn't  held on March  like usual in Brussels because of the pandemia....

Reser/Elgar encyclopedia, a work in progress

This Reser project was proposed a year ago by Professor Faïz Gallouj.  It will be presented at Reser Paris conference, december 8th, 2022 Divided into five thematic parts, the Encyclopedia thoroughly examines services from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. It provides a pedagogical state-of-the-art review of 283 topics falling within the...