PhD Mobility Grant


To help doctoral students or those who have just defended their doctoral thesis, the RESER board offers these students the opportunity to work in one of the RESER teams for a period ranging from 15 days to two months. For several years now RESER had available in the budget  3000 Euros for the PhD or post doc Mobility Grant 

The purpose of this grant is to support the possibility for PhD student to discover different research environments in a partner university within the RESER network. 

Interested students should contact the RESER team in which they would like to work, indicating their research topic, their period of availability, and their motivation. This application must be accompanied by a letter from their thesis supervisor. 

After approval by the RESER team concerned, the application will be examined by the RESER Board to determine the amount of the grant.  

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How to apply to the PHD mobility grant ?

Mobility grant guidelines RESER PhD Mobility Grant consists of a lump sum of 3.000 Euros per candidate (for travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation). The length of the research visit should be at least one month. The visiting period can be extended to two months with the agreement of the host institution (the...