- Business strategies for eco-innovation and green entrepreneurship
- The organisation of service provision; in house production versus outsourcing and its regional impact.
- Change in educational level in different types of producer services as aconsequence of function-al transformation and reorganisation.
- Service demand in different business cultures.
- New logistics and commodity handling and concomitant upgrading of competence in the wholesale business.
- Internationalisation of service provision.
- Outsourcing strategies for business services
- Virtual organisations in the service economy
- ICT and business services
- Design (www.
- Public services and regulation
- Head office location in the service sector
- Grete Rusten - Email:
Publications and references
- Bramklev, C. & Ström, P. (2011) A conceptualization of the product/service interface: Case of the packaging industry in Japan, Journal of Service Science Research, 3(1): 21-48.
- Ström, P. (2012) Guest Editorial: The Resilience of the Global Service Economy, the Service Industries Journal, 32(4): 499-502.
- Bryson, J.R, Rubalcaba, L. and Ström, P. (2012) Services, innovation, employment and organisation: research gaps and challenges for the next decade, The Service Industries Journal, 32(4): 641-655.
- Ström, P. and Ernkvist, M. (2012) Internationalisation of the Korean online game
- industry: exemplified through the case of NCsoft, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 6(4): 312-334.
- Dolles, H., Alvstam, G. and Ström, P. (2013) Guest Editorial: The changing competitive landscape in Euro-Asia business, Asian Business & Management, 12(5): 499-502.
- Alvstam, Claes G., Harald Dolles and Patrik Ström (2014) Asian Inward and Outward FDI: New Challenges in the Global Economy, Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ström, P. and Ernkvist, M. (2014) Product and Service Interaction in the Chinese Online Game Industry, Technology Innovation Management Review, May 2014.
- Ström, P. and H. R. Nakamura (2014) Chinese Acquiring Japanese: Motives and Patterns of Chinese Outward M&A to Japan, Asia Pacific Management Review, 19(2):299-320.
- Alvstam, C.G., Ström, P. and Jones, A. (2016) Multilatinas and the growing service economy in Latin America: A challenge for EU-Latin American business relations, European Review of Service Economics and Management,European Review of Service Economics and Management, (1): 175-197
- Robert Wentrup, Patrik Ström and H. Richard Nakamura (2016) Digital oases and digital deserts in Sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Science & Technology Policy Management, Vol. 7 Iss: 1, pp.77 – 100
- Wentrup, Robert; Xu, Xiangxuan; Nakamura, H.; Ström, Patrik (2016) Crossing the digital desert in Sub-Saharan Africa – does policy matter? Policy & Internet, DOI: 10.1002/poi3.123
- Alvstam, C.G., Kettunen, E. and Ström, P. (2016) The Service Sector in the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Singapore: Closing the gap between policy and business realities, Asia Europe Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10308-016-0464-z
- Jones, A., Ström. P, Hermelin, B. and Rusten. G. (eds) (2016) Services and the Green Economy, Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jones, A., & Ström, P. (2018). Asian varieties of service capitalism?, Geoforum, 90, 119-129.
- Ernkvist, M., & Ström, P. (2018). Differentiation in digital creative industry cluster dynamics: the growth and decline of the Japanese video game software industry. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 1-24.
- Yakob, R., Nakamura, H. R., & Ström, P. (2018). Chinese foreign acquisitions aimed for strategic asset-creation and innovation upgrading: The case of Geely and Volvo Cars. Technovation,
- Wentrup, R., Nakamura, R.H. and Ström, P. (2018) Uberization in Paris – the issue of trust between a digital platform and digital workers, Critical Perspectives on International Business,
- “The role of commercial and other service functions in changing the central place hierarchy “, (Nina Gunnerud Berg and Peter Sjoholt), The Norwegian Journal of Geography, Vol. 42 No. 1 1988.
- “Regional development and the service sector. The post-industrial challenge”, (Tor Selstad and Peter Sjoholt), The Norwegian Journal of Geography, Vol. 44 No. 1 1990.
- “Use of producer services by manufacturing industry. Some empirical evidence from Norway”, In: S. Illeris & L. Jakobsen (eds.), Networks and regional development, NordREFO 1990:1 Copenhagen. 1990.
- “Producer services. A new panacea for marginal regions ?”, In : Nätverk i Norden., ERU Stockholm. 1990.
- “The dynamics of services as an agent of regional change and development : The case of Scandinavia.”, The Service Industries Journal. Vol.13 No 2 1993.
- “The regional distribution of producer services in the EC and the Nordic countries “, (S. Illeris and P. Sjoholt), Roskilde, Dept. of Geography and International Development Studies 1994.
- “The role of producer services in industrial and regional development”, Journal of European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol 1 No. 2 1994.
- “The Nordic countries. High quality service in a low density environment”, (S. Illeris and P. Sjoholt), Progress in Planning, Vol 43 No 2-3 1995.
- “Futures on the European margin. Service sectors”, In : Byron R. (ed), Economic futures on the North Atlantic margin, London, Aldershot 1995.
- Skills in services. The dynamics of competence requirement in different types of advanced producer services. Some evidence from Norway. Service Industries Journal 19 1 1999
- The problem of the outsourcing of service provision and its impact on marginal regions, In: Byron R. and J. Hutson (eds) Community Development on the North Atlantic Margin. Alder-shot, Ashgate 2001.
- Christaller revisited: reconsidering Christaller’s analysis of service and central places. Service Industries Journal 21 4 2001.
- Internationalisation of commercial activities: some recent theoretical contributions and emprical evidence. In: Cuadrado-Roura, J, L. Rubalcaba-Bermejo and J. Bryson (eds) Trading services in the Global Economy, Cheltenam, UK, Edward Elgar 2002.
- Service industries in the global economy, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography,Vol.58,136-140,2004.
References Peter Sjoholt
Our colleague passed away , but we are pleased to honour his work: