RESER PhD/Post-doc Mobility Grant, Application 2017
Submission deadline: 30th of September 2017
Objective of the mobility grant
A major aim of RESER is to promote the circulation of PhD/Post-doc students to strengthen the European platform for research on services. Therefore, the RESER network invites PhD/Post-doc students to apply for the next mobility grant.
This call is open to PhD students or post-doc working on service-related issues who wants to interact with other researchers with similar background and interests. Short visits are financed with the aim that students advance in their thesis projects or identify opportunities for collaboration with other partners (publications or applications for future research grants).
Major research areas
This call supports research in the following areas:
- Globalisation, international trade, outsourcing
- Knowledge, innovation and ICT
- Employment, skills, training
- Productivity and service macroeconomics
- Markets, quality, prices, regulations
- Service management, networks and marketing
- Non-market services, new public management
- Urban and regional dimension of services
- Structural change and tertiarisation processes
- Public-private partnerships and services provision
Application requirements
Applicants to a RESER PhD Mobility Grant must be currently enrolled as a PhD student or post doc. The applicant ‘home institution’ must be a RESER member at the moment the application is submitted.
The ‘host institution’ must also be a member of the RESER network. Applicants must contact a potential supervisor at the chosen ‘host institution’ before submitting an application.
The proposed ‘host institution’ should be in a different country from the ‘home institution’ so that the student experiences a different institutional environment.
How to apply
The following documents must be sent to Maria Savona (
- A completed application form
- A detailed CV
- A letter of support from the PhD supervisor
- A letter confirming the support of the RESER host institution
All applications will be evaluated by a Selection Committee composed by three RESER Council members. The grant holder will be contacted directly by the RESER Council and their name will be published on the RESER web page
Mobility grant guidelines
- RESER PhD Mobility Grant consists of a lump sum of 3.000 Euros per candidate (for travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation).
- The length of the research visit should be at least one month. The visiting period can be extended to two months with the agreement of the host institution (the sum is then 4000 euros).
- Both the ‘PhD Home’ institute and ‘PhD Host’ institute must be RESER members.
- The host institution will provide infrastructure support (office space, access to library, IT facilities). It is not supposed to provide any additional financial support.
- The Grant holder is required to produce a paper to be submitted and presented at the next annual RESER Conference.
- The Grant holder is also required to properly acknowledge the RESER support on his/her personal and/or institutional web site and on any documents produced during the research visit.
- The criteria for evaluating proposals are:
- Quality of the applicant´s CV,
- Quality of the applicant´s PhD project,
- Relevance of the proposed activities at the host institution,
- Relevance of the proposed activities for the RESER network,
- Balance of students flows.
Previous PhD mobility grant holders
- Luna LEONI (2016), Post-Doc Research Fellow in Management Program Manager Master MEMATIC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome – Italy. She was welcome by Mondragon Unibertsitatea MIK S. Coop / Enpresagintza, Spain
- Milena Jael SILVA (2015) Doctorante programme ARC 7 Université de Grenoble-Alpes, Laboratoire CERAG UMR CNRS 5820. She was welcome in Roskilde University, Denmark
- Helge Lea TVEDT (2013): PhD student, University of Bergen, Norway. She was welcome by Goteborg University, Sweden
- Sid Ahmed GOZIM (2011): PhD student, Toulouse University, IAE, France. He was welcome by Lille 1 University, France