Philipp Bernd

 Bernd Philipp


Articles dans des revues académiques / Articles published in refereed journals

Ÿ Moncef B. & Philipp B. (2021), “Exploring purchasing managers’ influence tactics towards their internal clients: the case of non-production related items”, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, vol. 22, n° 4, pp. 310-322, DOI: 10.1080/16258312.2021.1942190

Ÿ Fulconis F. and Philipp B. (2019), “La supply chain face aux défis de la livraison E-commerce : entre intégration et flexibilité, quelles solutions packaging ? ”, Logistique & Management, vol. 27, n° 2, pp. 132-147.

Ÿ Fulconis F. and Philipp B. (2018), “La question des emballages d’expédition dans l’e-commerce : une affaire de logistique et de marketing”, Projectique, vol. 3, n° 21, pp. 23-41.

Ÿ  Fulconis F. and Philipp B. (2018), “Packaging scorecard for closed-loop logistics systems: a sustainable development perspective”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Editor, March, N° 238, pp. 19-28. [DOI : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2018.03.003].

Ÿ Fulconis, F., and Philipp, B. (2018), “Quels packagings pour les supply chains du e-commerce ?”, Supply Chain Magazine, n° 13 (November), pp. 104–105.

Ouvrages ou chapitres d’ouvrages / Books or chapters in books

Ÿ Philipp B., Fulconis F. and Zeroual T. (2020), “Packaging Trends in International Transportation and Logistics”, in: Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for World Trade., ed. G.C. Ceyhun, Hershey (PA, USA): IGI-Global, pp 54-73.

Actes de colloques / Conference proceedings

Ÿ Philipp B. and Fulconis F. (2020), “Rethinking supply chains after Covid19: what new packaging requirements?”, 25th Logistics Research Network annual conference proceedings, Cardiff (UK), September, 7 pages.

Ÿ Philipp B. and Grant D.B. (2018),”Harmonious collaboration or coercive integration in retailing: investigating theory and practice”, 23rd Logistics Research Network annual conference proceedings, Plymouth (UK), September, 8 pages.

Ÿ Philipp B. and Fulconis F. (2018), Quelle approche packaging pour la livraison des consommateurs internautes (consonautes) ? Conference Proceedings of the 12th International Meetings of Logistics Research (Paris, May), 23 pages.