Summer School 2017

A Doctoral Colloquium is organised during the days before the RESER conference. This event provides a platform for students to network with other doctoral students and receive feedback, guidance, and support for their dissertation projects in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. For more information on submissions and registration to the doctoral colloquium.

RESER 2017 Doctoral Colloquium, 6th September 2017

The RESER 2017 Doctoral Colloquium is organized for doctoral students at all stages of their dissertation project. The colloquium will be held immediately prior to the RESER 2017 conference on the 6th September 2017 by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Bilbao (Address: Bilbao Innovation Factory (Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria, BBF), Uribitarte 6, 48001 Bilbao)
This colloquium offers an opportunity for doctoral researchers to develop their ongoing work related to services. In the colloquium, doctoral researchers will receive feedback, guidance and support for their dissertation projects in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. In addition, the event will put doctoral students in touch with other students conducting dissertations in the broad area of service research.

About the Doctoral Colloquium

In the colloquium, doctoral students will give presentations of their dissertation project or papers that are intended to be a part of a doctoral dissertation. The colloquium will be developmental and each student will have a senior scholar as a discussant. There members of the faculty are experts in the field of service research.
Members of the doctoral colloquium faculty will be published soon.
Both the faculty members and peer students will provide feedback for the participants. The colloquium should be of particular interest for doctoral students with quite well developed research plans or manuscripts. At the same time, the workshop is suitable for any manuscript that will be part of a doctoral dissertation and falls within the broad area of service research. Selection of participants will be done through submission of research proposals or manuscripts.

Application Process

Doctoral students who wish apply for presentation at the RESER 2017 Doctoral Consortium, should submit an application in an e-mail body text, including the name of the applicant, university, and department. Attached in the email should be a research proposal or a draft of a paper that will be part of a dissertation. If the applicant has submitted an abstract to the main conference of RESER2017, sending this abstract is another alternative.
The application had to be sent via email to The attachments must be in Microsoft Word (doc/docx) or pdf format. The submission deadline was 30 June 2017.
Your submission had not to exceed 12 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches sheet with 1 inch margin, 12 points Times New Roman font.
Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity (structure, organization, coherence of the content)
  • Evidence of reading (use of the existing scientific knowledge in the field, quality of material, referencing)
  • Originality (independent and critical thought)
  • Relevance (practical and conceptual connection of the topic with the area of service research).

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: 30 June 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 July 2017
  • Doctoral Consortium: 6 September 2017
  • Main conference: 7-9 September 2017

Contacts for questions on the doctoral colloquium and submission of applications: