In May our RRI friends have published an interesting newsletter The RRI infonews will give you the latest news of the research Network on innovation, available in french or in English, Cast a glance ! The RRI infonews will give you the latest news of the research Network on innovation, available in french or in English, Cast a glance !
Urgent , do not forget this call Notre collaboration avec RRI nous permet de vous proposer de répondre à l’appel à participation au numéro spécial "THE coordonné par Celine Merlin Brogniard (Clerse) et Emmanuel Fragniere (HES-SO) As part of our collaboration with RRI, we invite you to participate in the special issue...
As we do every year, we are publishing the book of abstracts of the annual conference online, after seeking the permission of all those concerned. Table of Contents 03_A note on Corporate Governance and Risk Management: responsibility dilution, risk ownership and towards social corporate responsibility.........................................................................4 05_AI effects on service occupations with social interaction .................................................................6 06_AI...
On avril 22, 2024 was signed a partnership contract between the Innovation Research network (RRI in french) and RESER. This partnership will be made visible to all participants at the RESER 2024 Congress, thanks to RRI's responsibility for track 5 of the call for papers. The Innovation Research Network, a not-for-profit...
The 2024 RESER conference will be organised by our finish team VTT from October 30th to November 2nd Save the date! Details here : Reser would like to share the Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024 Conference organized by CEUCI, with Gabi Celani and Milena Serafim as chairs. Organizing a conference, especially on a new theme, is challenging. We believe the study, planning, and design of science parks, innovation districts, and knowledge-production buildings and territories will...
On 19 February 2024, Luciana Oliveira Militao successfully defended her doctoral thesis, prepared under the supervision of Josiviana Silva Farias, professor at the University of Brasilia in Brazil, and Professor Faiz Gallouj of the University of Lille in France. Her research focuses on "the importance of trust between key players...
The 2023 Reser founder’s award was attributed to Pericles Jose Pires, PhD candidate in Information Management Business School Federal University of Paraná/Brazil MBA Program for his paper entitled "Axiological Competence by Higher Students' Users of AI Generative in Brazil: Qualitative Approach", which was a part of the PhD Grants session...
On 9 December 2023, the RESER General Meeting held at the Sierre Congress (Switzerland) adopted the creation of the "second circle". It brings together RESER members who wish to work with the Board to contribute specific skills that are useful to the association. A reduced registration fee for the annual...
It is still possible until 1 October 2023 to submit a draft paper for the next RESER conference, which will take place in Sierre (Switzerland) from 7 to 9 December 2023. Please use the form provided in the call for papers!
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