Costa Pedro

 Pedro Costa

Director of DINAMIA'CET

Reser Council Member


Pedro Costa has worked mainly in the areas of cultural economics, territorial development and planning, focusing on his recent research, among other aspects, the role of cultural activities in territorial development, the relations of creative dynamics with territories, or local development promotion strategies. Has collaborated on several projects, particularly in the areas of planning, regional/local development and cultural activities.

Research fields

Urban and Regional Planning; Territorial Development; Cultural Economics; Creativity, Culture and Territory; Urban Studies


  • P.; Pires, P. (2019), “Between “ghettos”, “safe spaces” and “gaytrification”: exploring the specificities of LGBT neighbourhoods in Southern Europe”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, nº 39, Dezembro 2019, pp. 41-54
  • Costa, P.; Lopes, R. V.; Bassani, J. (Eds.) (2019), BRR2018: Quando a periferia se torna trendy, Lisboa / São Paulo: DINAMIA’CET-IUL/FAU-USP
  • Costa, P.; Amorim, S. (2019), “Queering the city: Spatiality and territoriality of LGBT lives in the cities of Southern Europe and the Global South”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, nº 39, Dezembro 2019
  • Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.; Gato, M. A.; Costa, P. (2019), “Connecting the dots: Contributions to the Creative Tourism Dynamics in Portugal”; Tourism & Management Studies, 15(SI), 2019, 23-32
  • Cruz, A. R.; Almeida, R. N.; Costa, P; Gato, M. A.; Perestrelo, M. (2019), “Knowledge Transfer in the Cultural and Creative Sector: Institutional Aspects and Perspectives from Actors in Selected Atlantic Regions”, Social Sciences, 2019, 8, 77;
  • Costa, P; Lopes, R. (2018), “Dos dois lados do espelho: diálogos com um bairro cultural através da intervenção urbana”, Etnográfica, vol. 22 (2) | 2018, pp. 395-425.
  • Costa, P. (2018), “Práticas artísticas e espaço urbano: renovando compromissos com a observação etnográfica”, Etnográfica, vol. 22 (2) | 2018, pp. 389-394.

Kebir, L., Crevoisier, O.; Costa, P.; Peyrache-Gadeau, V. (Eds.) (2017), Sustainable Innovation and Regional Development: Rethinking Innovative Milieus, Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar

Costa, P. e Lopes, R. (2015) “Urban Design, Public Space and the Dynamics of Creative Milieux: A Photographic Approach to Bairro Alto (Lisbon), Gràcia (Barcelona) and Vila Madalena (São Paulo)”, Journal of Urban Design, 2015, Vol.20, nº1, 28-51

Costa, P. (2012), “Gatekeeping processes, reputation building and creative milieus: evidence from case studies in Lisboa, Barcelona and São Paulo”, in Lazzeretti, L (Ed.), Creative industries and innovation in Europe: Concepts, measures and comparatives case studies”, Routledge, pp. 286-306.

Costa, P.; Magalhães, M., Vasconcelos, B. e Sugahara, G. (2008), “On ‘Creative Cities’ governance models: a comparative approach”, The Service Industries Journal , Vol. 28, nº3-4, April-May 2008, pp. 393-413

Costa, P. (2007), A cultura em Lisboa: competitividade e desenvolvimento territorial, Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais