Call for papers 2020

30th RESER International Congress
Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy

  • Joint RESER-COVAL Final Conference: Value Co-creation, Innovation and Digital Transformation in Public Services
  • International workshop on Servitization, Smart Services and Industry 4.0
  • Summer School on Service Innovation

Read the call for papers as PDF

Research about services is moving from a sector and supply approach to an activity and demand perspective, where services generate value in any social and economic activity with a major role being played by users. Any company, industry, sector, city, region or country is able to generate value, business, economic or social value, when integrating new or improved services. Value through services is generated building on new ways of interacting between users and providers, between organizations and individuals, between public sector, business sector and third sector. These interactions are growingly based on co-creation and innovation, for which new technologies are of the utmost importance. This is the case of servitization processes, smart services are industry 4.0 in industry, and the case of digital transformation in public services. 

The 30th RESER Congress, that will take place on June 18-19th in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), focuses on value co-creation and innovation as a new dynamics shaping services nowadays aiming at improving the transformative power of services in modern societies: new avenues for new services worlds. 

The RESER Congress includes several activities related to public and private services, before and within the Congress days. Particular mention has to be made to the joint RESER-COVAL conference on Value co-creation, innovation and digital transformation in public services, on Thursday 18, the previous international workshop on servitization, smart services and industry 4.0. and the summer school on services innovation on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th, 2020.

The 30th International RESER Congress will be organized around the main subjects organized around the following tracks:

Research Tracks

  • TRACK 1: Value co-creation in public services
    CHAIR: Stephen Osborne and Kirsty Strokosch, University of Edinburgh, UK

    • New theoretical approaches on value co-creation
    • New Public Governance and Public Sector Logic
    • Co-creation of public value and citizen participation
    • New dynamics and challenges for value co-creation in public services
  • TRACK 2: Service innovation and innovation ecosystems in public services CHAIR: Faiz Gallouj, Lille University, France
    • Service innovation for public services
    • Multiagent frameworks for public innovation
    • Public-private networks for social innovation
    • Third sector and social innovation in public services
  • TRACK 3: Digital transformation in public services
    CHAIR: Ines Mergel, University of Konstanz, Germany

    • Digital transformation, e-government and e-governance
    • User centered digital services and open governance
    • Disruptive technologies for public administration: AI and machine learning, big data and the application of block chains in public services
  • TRACK 4: Measuring value co-creation and innovation in public services
    CHAIR: Anthony Arundel, Maastricht University, Netherlands

    • New metrics for public sector co-creation and innovation o Indicators for policy use
    • Use of big data to measure public sector innovation
    • Evaluation of public policies
  • TRACK 5: Service design and co-creation methods for public services
    CHAIR: Maria Røhnebæk and Rolf Rønning, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

    • Service Design
  • TRACK 6. Living-labs and co-creation spaces for public services
    CHAIR: Lars Fuglsang, Roskilde University, Denmark

    • Living labs: Design, implementation and evaluation
    • Smart cities and local services
    • Geography and location of public services
    • Sustainability and the circular economy
  • TRACK 7: Lessons learned from private sector
    Chair: Walter Ganz, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany

    • Value co-creation and co-innovation in private services
    • Servitization
    • Living labs and co-design in private sector
    • Lessons from service marketing, management and service science
  • TRACK 8: Public services in developing economies
    Chair: Nano Mulder, ECLAC, United Nations, Chile

    • Services challenges for developing economies
    • Public sector reforms in developing economies
  • TRACK 9: New paths in services research
    CHAIR: Marja Toivonen, Aalto University, Finland

    • Services, employment and jobs
    • Geography of services
    • Globalization and trade in services
    • Services marketing and management
    • Economics, regulation and competition in services
    • Other topics on services research

Practitioners Track

  • TRACK 10: Policy actions and cases for public sector transformation
    CHAIR: David Osimo and Francesco Mureddu, Lisbon Council, Belgium

    • Policy strategies for public sector transformation
    • Case stories of public sector transformation
    • Policies for transforming the public sector
    • Public living labs
    • Digital agendas and strategies
    • Citizens participation, participatory budgets and public consultations

Contributions can be conceptual, empirical, methodological, or policy-based. The authors must specify to which track they are submitting their papers/presentations in the registration form. This call welcomes both research papers (tracks 1-9) and cases provided by practitioners (track 10).

Summer School

Young researchers, PhD students and practitioners interested in innovation training are encouraged to participate in the summer school that will take place days previous to the conference. More information will follow on the Conference Website.