2nd International Conference on Services, Tourism and Retailing – Call for papers

Conference theme: Services, Tourism and Retailing in Emerging Countries

Organized by: HEC Rabat

Place, date: Rabat (Morocco), 19-20 October 2018

Today, retailing and service activities account for nearly 75% of GDP and employment in most developed countries. Despite the persistence, (and the sporadic resurgence during crisis periods) of some “industrialist” discourses that still consider services as parasitic, non-innovative or endowed with low capital-intensity, it is clear that it is becoming more and more difficult to challenge the leading economic role these services can play in today’s developed economies. Being the main providers of jobs and the main contributors to added value over the last decades, services also play a determining role in the overall competitive advantage of firms and nations (on this point see the very evocative title from F. Gallouj, 2002, “Innovation in the Service Economy, New Wealth of Nations”). Indeed, services and especially business services have a direct influence on the adaptability and innovative capacity of industrial or other services firms; in other words, these activities play a strategic role in the productive system. They are essentially network activities whose real economic significance is reflected in their many effects (in terms of flexibility, adaptability, competitiveness, etc.) on the other economic functions.
However, much of the work on services and retailing remains focused on the case of developed countries (only tourism can be seen as an exception too some extent). Curiously, the emerging or developing economies seem rather excluded from these theoretical and political debates. More specifically, the issue of retailing, tourism and services in emerging and / or developing countries can be summed up in two distinct research paths:

  • the first path, which dates back to the beginning of the 1990s, and which seems to have lost its pace in recent years, analyzes the question of services through the needs of multinational firms or more precisely of their subsidiaries located in the South;
  • the second path, which essentially dates back to the beginning of the 2000s, was driven by the reflections and debates carried out in many developed countries on offshoring and outsourcing / offshoring of services.

The very large majority of researches remains however very fragmented and far from reflecting the considerable stakes that they represent today or should represent in the future for emerging countries. First of all, we note that research and publications are mainly focused on the specific types of services that are usually described as productive, in other words business services (consulting, auditing, IT services …).
On the other hand, the literature remains relatively limited (both quantitatively and qualitatively) as far as retailing and household services as a whole are concerned. However, we cannot deny that in all the countries concerned, we are witnessing the emergence of a middle class that needs and consumes a lot of services. Thus, economic development and growth are largely driven by very strong domestic demand (households). If we focus on retailing, we can notice that a number of studies on mass retailers have analyzed how the middle classes have helped to accelerate the development of modern forms of distribution (hypermarket, supermarket, even online commerce).
At this level another problem, once again poorly invested by researchers, seems very promising in the context of the reflections on services and retailing in emerging countries: that is the acceleration of horizontal commercial relations between the emerging countries themselves. As an example, we can cite the advance of Turkish supermarkets in the Maghreb countries… or even the diffusion in sub-Saharan Africa of banking and insurance services, or business services from a North African base… or the remarkable development of a horizontal tourism, ie between the emerging countries themselves …
The purpose of this conference is to update our knowledge on retailing tourism and services in emerging and developing countries in the light of disruptions in the service sectors. It is therefore also an attempt to fill part of the gap of research on services tourism and trade in these countries.
The expected communications can originate from multiple disciplines (management, economics, sociology or geography and planning …) and contributions can be theoretical, empirical or methodological. The concerns can be global and relate to the future and prospects of services, tourism and retailing in emerging countries, just as they can relate to a “micro” level and focus on the behavior of firms and consumers in these countries.
In other words, all the issues of services, tourism or retailing (innovation, HRM, strategy, marketing, operations …) are welcomed and will be taken into account when they are applied to emerging and / or developing countries.
We provide in the following section a non-exhaustive list of possible themes. These themes are fully in line with the research fields promoted by the RESER, the main European research association on services and partners of this conference, but also by our two other partners, RRI (Research Network on Innovation), AFMAT (French speaking Association for Tourism Management) and ARIMHE (Association for Interdisciplinary Research on Business Management).

List of Possible Topics

  • Services, tourism and economic development
  • Consumer and service relations
  • Services, poverty and consumption
  • Trade and retailing in emerging countries
  • Traditional retailing vs modern retailing
  • Tourism, issues at stakes and trends
  • Sustainable tourism, new forms of tourism
  • Innovation in tourism, e-tourism
  • Tourism and cities, Smart cities
  • Services and MNC, international trade in services
  • Services and MNC
  • International trade in services
  • Outsourcing and relocation in services
  • Services landscapes and territories, regional development
  • Services and cities and urban matters
  • Externalization-internalization in services
  • Innovation, R&D, entrepreneurship and services
  • ICT and services/trade
  • Hospitals, health services, social services
  • Innovation in health services, medical innovation
  • Clusters and public-private partnerships
  • Services, productivity and performance
  • Services, retailing, tourism and employment dynamics
  • Retailing tourism and service jobs prospective
  • HRM in services, tourism and retailing
  • Call centers and HRM
  • Public policies and services
  • Services and sustainable development

Three specialized « tracks » will be organized during the workshop sessions. The first one will gather presentations dealing with trade and retailing; the second one those concerned with the issue of tourism, and the third one will bring together communications addressing the service sector in general. A fourth specialized track will possibly be organized according to the conference requirements.

PhD Students workshop

A doctoral workshop will also be organized in parallel, in order to provide additional support to PhD students who would like to discuss their progress with experienced and prominent researchers or simply ask for additional opinions (or to express their difficulties). The workshop is primarily intended for advanced PhD students, but participation in the colloquium also remains open to PhD students in first registration.

Scientific committee

  • ABAKOUY Mostafa (ENCG Tanger, UAE)
  • ALIOUAT Boualem (Université de Nice)
  • AMINE Abdelmajid (IAE G. Eiffel, Université Paris-Est Créteil, UPeC)
  • BAHIA Kamilia (Université Tunis El Manar)
  • BAHOUSSA Abdelaziz (EST Salé, Université Rabat Agdal)
  • BALHADJ Said, (ENCG Université Abdelmalek Essaadi)
  • BATIFOULIER Philippe (Université Paris 13 Sorbonne cite)
  • BEN DAHMANE Norchene (IHEC Carthage)
  • BENSEDDIK Mohammed (ENCG Oujda)
  • BENSLIMANE Sonia (Novancia Business School)
  • BENZIANE Abdelbaki (ENPO, Oran)
  • BOUCHIKHI Hamid (ESSEC Business School)
  • BRASSEUR Martine (Université de Paris-Descartes)
  • CAMACHO José Antonio (Université de Granada)
  • CASADELLA Vanessa (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
  • CHIADMI Noureddine (Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle)
  • CHAOUKI Farid (Université Cadi Ayad de Marrakech)
  • CHAKOR Abdellatif (Faculté de Droit Rabat Souissi)
  • CLERGEAU Cécile (Université d’Angers)
  • DEBABI Mohsen (ESC Tunis)
  • DELAPLACE Marie (Université Paris Est Marne la vallée)
  • DIALLO Mbaye Fall (Université de Lille)
  • DJELLAL Faridah (Université de Lille)
  • DJELASSI Souad (Université de Lille)
  • EL MANSOURI Souad (ENCG Casablanca)
  • EL ABBADI Bouchra (ENCG Tanger, UAE)
  • EL KADIRI BOUTCHICH Driss (Université Mohammed 1er, Oujda)
  • ELHASSOUNI Soumaya (Université Mohammed V, Souissi, Rabat)
  • FRIKHA Azza (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)
  • FRIMOUSSE Soufyane (IAE, Université de Corse)
  • GALLOUJ Camal (Université de Paris 13)
  • GALLOUJ Faïz (Université de Lille)
  • GALLOUJ Nizar, (ENCG Oujda)
  • GHARBI Abderrazak (FSEG, Université Tunis el Manar, Tunis)
  • GUENNIF Samira (Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Cité)
  • GHIDOUCHE Faouzi (HEC Alger)
  • HAJER Bellouna (Université Tunis El Manar)
  • HAMDOUCH Abdellilah (Université de Tours)
  • HAMIMAZ Rachid (IAV Rabat)
  • HARROUD Tarik (Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme, Rabat)
  • HMIOUI Aziz (ENCG, Université Sidi Mohammed ben Abdellah, Fes)
  • IBENRISSOUL Abdelmajid (ENCG Casablanca)
  • JAZI Salima (ENCG Settat)
  • KASBAOUI Tarik (Université Chouaib Doukkali)
  • KHATORI Youssef (FSJES, Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra)
  • KHAYAT Assya (Université d’Oran)
  • LAPERCHE Blandine (RRI, Université du Littoral)
  • LEBZAR Bouchra (ENCG Marrakech)
  • LOUITRI Abdenbi (Université Cadi Ayad, Marrakech)
  • MESSEGHEM Karim (Université de Montpellier 1)
  • MIGNON Sophie (IUT Nimes, Université Montpellier)
  • MOATI Philippe (Université Paris Diderot et OBSOCO)
  • MONNOYER Marie Christine (IAE, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole)
  • MZALI Hassen (IHEC Carthage)
  • NEFZI Ayoub (ISG Sousse)
  • NEKKA Hadj (Université d’Angers)
  • PACHE Gilles (Université de la Méditerranée Aix Marseille 2)
  • PERETTI Jean Marie (IAE Corte et ESSEC)
  • PHILIPPE Jean (Université Aix Marseille 3)
  • RAUPP DE VARGAS Edouardo (University of Brazilia)
  • RIANE Fouad (Ecole Centrale Casablanca)
  • RIGAR Sidi Mohamed (Université Cadi Ayad, Marrakech
  • SCOUARNEC Aline (Université de Caen)
  • SIDMOU Mohamed Larbi (Université Cadi Ayad Marrakech)
  • SELMI Nourreddine (IHEC Carthage)
  • SEMAOUNE Khalissa (Université d’Oran)
  • SMIDA Ali (Université Paris 13 Sorbonne cite)
  • TOUZANI Mourad (Néoma Business School)
  • TRIKI Abdelfattah (ISG Tunis)
  • WALLISER Elisabeth (IAE, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)

Organizing committee

  • AMINE Abdelmajid, Université Paris-Est Créteil, co-Président du Comité d’organisation
  • EL KOUHEN Hamza HEC Rabat
  • EL KOUHEN Zineb, HEC Rabat
  • GALLOUJ Camal, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne cite, Operation Director
  • OUFAQUIR Fatiha, HEC Rabat
  • ISMAILI Zineb, HEC Rabat
  • SKALLI-HUSSEINI Ilham, HEC Rabat, Présidente du Comité d’organisation

Review Procedure

Papers can be submitted in French or in English. They will be subject to the classical procedure of double-blinded review based on pre-formatted reading grid.

Calendar and Important dates

  • Submission of abstracts (300 to 500 words): from 10 March 2018
  • Submission of full papers: 30 June 2018
  • Reviewing process results: 15 July 2018
  • Corrected papers: 10 September 2018
  • Venue and attendance: 19-20 October2018

Submission Procedure and instructions to participants

Abstracts and papers will have to be sent in e-format jointly to: camal@gallouj.com, Zineb.ek@hec.ac.ma

Norms of presentation

The submission format will have to abide by the following instructions:

  • The first page will contain the name and professional status of the author and the title of the presentation.
  • The second page will contain the title of the presentation, its abstract in French and English and 4 to 5 keywords.
  • The text will be in a Word format, Times 12, A4 format, 2,5 cm margins, simple spacing, and 15 to 20 pages.
  • Presentations should not include annexes (tables, diagrams, images and other additions in black and white), which have to be inserted in the text.
  • The parts will have a simple numbering: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.
  • Title: times 16 in bold print
  • Name of author: times 14 in bold print
  • The Words Summary and Abstract: times 16 in bold print, then the content in times 12
  • Title 1.: Times 14 in bold print
  • Title 1.1.: Times 12 in bold print
  • Conclusion: Times 14 in bold print
  • Bibliography: Times 14 in bold print, then content in times 12, following the model below:
    • Book : name of author and initial of first name, date of publication, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication, (example : Gadrey J. (2003), Socio-économie des services, Repères, La découverte, Paris).
    • Article : name of author and initial of first name, date of publication « Title of article », Title of journal, Vol. x, No. x, p. x-y.
      (example : Moati P. (2011), « La montée en compétences marketing des distributeurs », Management et Avenir, n.°47, p. 189-204).


A selection of the best papers will be submitted for publication in:

  1. A special issue of the “European Review of Service Economics and Management”;
    la « Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Hommes et Entreprise » (RIMHE)
    Innovations : revue d’économie et de management de l’innovation


Registration form

Download the registration form as PDF